Old posts got deleted?

I used to play WoW a few years ago and I was going on a bit of a nostalgia trip and wanted to look at a funny WoW challenge that me and my brother did back in the day. I searched the forums, looked through my account and googled the (close-enough) title of the post but could not find it anywhere.

If anyone was wondering the post went something like “Mak’Gora Orc ironman challenge Garrosh Hellscream edition” and was an ironic take on the famous ironman challenge.

I was wondering if Blizzard deleted my posts from my account inactivity or was there a big general wipe of the forums at some point that I am unaware of?
I appreciate all help given.

The forums were changed to the new ones in Nov. 2018. Most of the old posts were not migrated.

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Thank you for the reply.
If the post was made after 2018, is there a chance that it was removed due to account inactivity?

No, all my emails are there still there so I think it was made on the old forums.

It could be that you made it on another character, each character has it’s own post list.