Old races DK starting zone

Can we PLEASE… Have the option of skipping it… :sweat_smile:

It is infamously one of the WORST starting experiences in the game, and it is solely responsible for people avoiding the “old” races. :face_with_head_bandage:

We start at lvl 8 anyways when we load into the DK starting zone :man_shrugging: why not give us the option to skip straight to Stormwind, just like all the allied races?

Common Blizz, make this small but significant change. :ok_hand:


I would’s say it’s the worst experience, it’s just terrible if you’ve done it many times already :sleeping:

So yes.


Looks like someone dont like a daily dose of war crimes :smiling_imp:
Ok but now seriously, would be nice for option to chose starting zone on dks as for a long time we preety much lose status of a hero class.

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