Old Rare Spawn

I know this must’ve been adressed before, but still.
The old rares ( vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, … ) have a really weird, variable and long spawntime and uptime.
I am currently trying to get the “Bloody Rare” achievement and wowhead is helping a lot but the amount of variable information on there is just so confusing! (refering to the comment section regarding to smaller details on how other people found the rare mob)
I’m currently using the SilverDragon addon to find these rares, but what I was wondering if there like a specifique timer for every rare?
Can’t the devs just change it so that these rares have a consitant uptime similar to like how the rares in Legion work?
It’s a real pain to just wait for hours upon hours (including flying around) to just find the rare. I would personally love it if I could save time hunting older achievements and focus more on current content and achivements (pretty sure i’m not the only one who’d like that).

This should be a general discussion / quests & achievements thread, not Argent Dawn’s one to be fair. :confused:
Or at least something for the pet peeve thread to ramble about.

But no, rare timers are very much here to stay. They haven’t changed them for older zones at all, bar a few exceptions (like the Poseidus nerf).
It’s honestly bizarre to me that since Legion they’ve become generic respawn 3 min mobs with a slightly bigger HP pool. It’s in the name - rare. They shouldn’t respawn so fast.
You should consider trying to turn Warmode on / off if you’re looking to find rares, since these two are separate.

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