Hello there,
I’m a Druid and I love Wow RP, I would like to suggest blizzard to revive old items from TCG such as “Path of cenarius” and put them as current toys, I would be willing to pay for a toy type if it was permanent.
Thank you for reading.
Hello there,
I’m a Druid and I love Wow RP, I would like to suggest blizzard to revive old items from TCG such as “Path of cenarius” and put them as current toys, I would be willing to pay for a toy type if it was permanent.
Thank you for reading.
The problem is that many of these items are already toys and others are made as items consumed upon use to make you buy more cards (that’s how I understand it).
Making them permanent toys would defeat the purpose of buying more cards for these temporary effects.
Hi Kyros,
The cards would have instant effect when you click them while toys can have 10 min cooldown per use.
Also the cards are over 10 years now, not sure if they manufacture them now.
That’s a good question I have no idea. I bought a very cheap tabard once in ebay but as for the actual cards…
Well I got nearly all the tcg toys and plenty mounts and tabard, about which card are out of print I can help You : the first few wow tcg box like the one with the riding turtle and spectral tiger are long out of print. So ? SO each one being redeemed is on less available and teh remaining will cost even more !
As for the very common cards yet awesome i often buy a papa hummel , path of ilidan to use with my demon hunter aspect or potion of illusion and patch of cenarius you can get the actual card unscratched or a code to get the lot really easily and for very cheap, I will not link or promote it just stating it exist same for some tcg pet , baby hyppogriph , scarab, gusting grimoir etc… etc.
Forget the epic tabard I am wearing (got over fourty tabard and all of the tcg) with the exception of the tabard of flame being epic tabard, very cool and cheap all the other were rewards from non loot card with ude points on them, that you would redeem on the ude site and buy your good after you had a number of ude points:, epic tabard, ogre morphing toy , etc etc and are now at around 1000$ multiple hundred dollars for one.
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