Old WoW collector's edition game rewards in WotLK

Hey, tried searching but didn’t find a good answer, so… is there any plan on implementing the CE items that were available during original WotLK, like Mini-Thor?

Mini-Thor was a starcraft 2 collectors edition reward, right? Yeah it would be cool to be able to get these things that came out during WotLK. Blizzcon rewards aren’t in game either, I have a Big Blizzard Bear on retail that should also be available in WotLK. The NPC isn’t there.

I can understand them not giving out TCG mounts if you have them learned on retail, but Feat of Strength Collectors Edition/Blizzcon rewards should be able to be credited on classic

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Exactly! And, this might be off, but i saw some post when i was looking around that some people had their older CE rewards in TBC, like Mini Diablo:

Yup the expansion CE rewards are present, including TBC and WotLK ones, but nothing else

Sad :confused: I loved by mihi thor!

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