Older player

Greetings, i am looking for a happy, active, more mature guild. Where people hang out in chat, run dungeons and raid together

Ive been playing a long time and been part of some wonderful guilds and shared amazing times with people ive played with. But like some much, everything evoles and changes. Guilds collapse, people move on, RL gets real etc etc.

Im nearly 40 now and use wow to relax after a hard days work, i arent a hardcore raider so heroic raids are my limit would prefer to be playing a ranged class

I dont get online to around 20.30 server time so anything around this or after be great

If anyone out there feels they could home a old gamer like me then please get in touch. I dont care about realm or faction…

My discord is Kemore#1562

Thanks for reading

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Hey there! =)

I think it sounds like Ministry of Silly Wipes could be a good fit for you!

Please have a read through the thread i linked, and if we sound like what you’re after, or you’ve any questions, please add me for a chat!
Westie#2496 on both Bnet and Discord =)

Hi Kemre

After reading ur post i feel i can relate, as someone who is close to that age myself :smiley: we are a guild that would prefer older players, started the guild back in 2007 and have seen and been part of great times, seen the changes over the years in game and in real life.

So… we raid Wednesdays and Thursdays from 20:30 to 22:30 (uk time) (times use to be 20:00 to 22:00) Normal/heroic raiding guild, some intro mythic bosses, but main goal is heroic raiding. We are also looking for pref ranged DPS, looking for long term members, we have a great bunch , friendly and welcoming.

If this appeals too u drop me a pm on Discordy @ Razorstorm#7563

Best regards

Too bad, you sound like you would be a great fit for our guild but we start our raids at 20:00 server time :frowning:

Biggest part of the guild is 30+, with me and a couple others closing in on 40 too, and even an old fart that’s 40+ (Sorry Arc)

I’m going to leave my link here anyway: [H] Casual Heroic Raiding Guild (8/8H) recruiting

shame sounds ideal to me too but thanks for the reply :slight_smile:

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Still looking

Hello there!

I’m currently leading a guild located on Tarren Mill.
I’m currently expanding and rebuilding our raiding team, and by doing so creating two teams.

From your post, team 2 might be of interest. Raid 1-2 times a week, Tuesdays 20:30 being 1 of the days, second TBD but time the same unless weekend, then earlier with 30-60 minutes on preference.
The group will be casual/semi-hc running normal and HC on the side of Team 1.
It will be 2/3/9 with room for cores who need the extra clear to join.

Let me know if it’s of interest and we can have a chat! Discord is: Reptution#9481

Hey, Kemre,

I tried adding you on Discord, but your name wasn’t recognised?

Here’s a link about our guild on Argent Dawn - we only accept members aged 25+, which I thought might be a good fit for you.

Although the link talks about our HC team, we are predominantly a social guild, with M+ running most nights, an everyone-is-invited Normal raid night, and we’re working on developing a casual PvP scene:

My contact details are in that thread if you want to chat further!


Checkout The Old Grudge, sounds perfect for you !

Hello Kemre.

Aged is a guild for you who needs flexibility (just as you seek). We’re located on Ravencrest, as Alliance. The majority of our members either have kids, working shift and need a somewhat flexible schedule. We are recruiting for 10.1 and are preparing for the next season.

We organized weekly Mythic+, offers 1-day-a-week raiding [Sunday 8pm–11pm, currently 6/8HC] & have social events. With us you’ll find a guild like no other.

If you are interested, add me on either battle.net or Discord.

B-tag: Elu#21957
Discord: Elu#5635


Hi Kemre

I don’t know if you’re sorted now, as you posted that a while ago, but if not, I just wanted to point you in our direction, because it sounds like you might be a good fit for our guild.

We have been around since 2007 and adhere to the ethos of inclusivity, not exclusivity.

Our core membership is in the, erm, “mid” age range, with many people having families, job and other responsibilities and just want to relax and have fun after one of those days :stuck_out_tongue:

We raid twice a week, Wednesday and Friday, each for 2.5 hours. Wednesday we start raids at 21:00 server time, Friday we start at 21:30 server time.

Our raids are casual and social. There is no attendance requirement (ie, there’s no requirement for anyone to sign up to a specific number of raids), we don’t expect people to stick to a “main” character when raiding and anyone in the guild can sign up to any raid they wish to attend, as long as they fulfil gear requirements.

In the majority of instances, there is no experience required (we’re currently having a play with the last boss in Heroic, so we’re temporarily changing that a little for this one!).

Quite a few of our members have chronic altitus so there’s usually someone around levelling an alt :stuck_out_tongue:

We also have members who are interested in achievements, pet and mount collecting, transmogs and just completing everything they can.

For dungeons … we have a “Mythic Monday” weekly where anyone can join to learn M+ tactics and routes, and we also have plenty of people that run M+ from low level casual runs to pushing to time 15+ keys.

If you’re interested, you’re welcome to join our discord https://discord.gg/gQ2uBGe to find out more about us, ask questions and perhaps join in the occasional M+ :wink:

We do accept new members by application only on our website - this helps us try to ensure that we are the type of guild people are looking for, and they’re the type of people we’re looking for :wink:

You can find our guild rules, ethos and information, along with the application form, here: https://www.darkwolves.eu

Oooh you sound a bit like us :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi Kemre,

If you are still looking then feel free to contact me on discord: Ezzer#2194

The Old Grudge is a well established guild around since vanilla that only recruits adults. Some of us have been around since vanilla so are more than a little grey at the edges now, but we have plenty of players in their 20s as well.

We are a mixed casual + mythic plus + raiding guild, with 2 raid groups, 1 HC and 1 Normal+HC. Though both raid groups cleared Vault on HC many weeks ago.

We are particularly looking for more raiders to join the Normal + HC group. But the guild is an equally great place to come hang, chill, do M+ and level if that is your thing.


Ditto! :smile:. We’re on different realms, but basically have the same concept and idea. Nice to meet you! :wink:

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Hi Kemre!

Are you still looking for a guild?

Soul Crusaders (Turalyon/Doomhammer) is recruiting. We’re a small, people-centred guild that runs normal and heroic raids as well as M+. We understand that real life comes first - and life is busy! So our raid and scheduled M+ sessions are fairly short: raids are Sun and Tues nights 21:30 -23:00 Server Time. Our M+ nights are on the same time slots, with Friday being the higher keys brackets (the key levels change through the season, as we progress; the main goal for Fri night is working towards KSM), Thurs is practising, building confidence and improving gear, and when there is interest, Wed nights are learning, gearing and practising runs with baby keys.

There’s no attendance expectations; we have fully social members, some who only sign up for raids and not M+ and vice versa, and those who enjoy both.

We currently have space for DPS and a healer for our raid team - and if you fancy M+, there’s space for a healer there, too :slight_smile:

Our members are all adults, with with a good portion of us being parents and older than 30 :slight_smile:

If you’d like to find out more, feel free to contact me Bnet:sheira#1910 or Discord: Lakshmii#0552

Or, feel free to post a guild application at discord.gg/RHX5vTbX

Looking forward to hearing from you

Hello friend!

We are a small group of 20-40 somethings who, like you, love to hang out and chat and play wow to relax. We raid 1 night a week on fridays and play mythics on other days.

Super casual, warm and welcoming in guild chat. Just a wonderful communtiy of awesome people.

If you’d like to say hi, please drop into out discord server.

Hello there! If you’d like to join a casual and relaxed guild, feel free to poke me on Northgard#21694 :slight_smile: