<Oldies> [H]

is a semi-Hardcore guild primarily made out a group of friends who are looking to build a long-lasting raid team of experienced and skilled players. We plan on clearing Heroic and then transitioning to mythic on a 2 days per week schedule. Our goal is AotC and to progress into mythic. We are a guild of former mythic and heroic raiders who are looking to come back into the mythic raiding scene. We took break during Shadowlands after castle nathria and so far we are 7/8 HC in the current tier and looking to delve into mythic.
Outside of our raid times, we like to run M+ as a guild to make up the time in-between raids.
Classes needs:


Mage - High
Balance Druid - Low
Evoker - Low
DK - High
Warlock - Medium
Priest - Medium

Exceptional players will be considered so feel free to reach out even if our demand for your class is low or even if you would like to know more about us! :slight_smile:

Raid times: Wednesday/sunday 18:00-21:00 server time

If you are interested contact me on discord: Ruki/Hydroin#6463
Or join the discord server and apply that way heres the link - discord.gg/pSte9HBxCU

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