Omg can you just add solo queue already?

If they would make solo queue , what the hell you think it would happen ?
Do ppl really don’t understand ?
No choice in selecting who’s in your group .
Hidden mmr , botched match making .
Players afk’ing , just like in other games with solo queue .
Games with solo queue are a report fiesta .
Players don’t use comms .
Every one does what he likes in the bg no1 will listen to calls . etc
Solo queue are a fiesta for kids and degenerates . unless u reach the top 0.5% percentages .

Just listen to your leader

And if not ? do you live in a dream world ?
The moment u sneeze and tell some1 to do something it will do the opposite .
Example : X class X player defend Stables . No i wanna do dps . or he will afk
Got 100k games in solo queue games like hots dota , lol , I’m talking out of experience , players rarely follow commands , u can’t check their gear legendary , that means players with low versa will join ,and u can’t do 1 god damn thing .That player doesn’t care he will simply join the next and troll your bg .
End of story , again go play some solo queue games and will see the endless problems .
Childish , toxic , trolling , that’s what you’ll get in solo queue .
Companies won’t ban their paying customers unless he trolls 10 out of 10 games . If he trolls 2/3 out of 10 it’s acceptable .

They dont make it into rbg

But is it worse than everyone running meta comps and thus you have to as well and it takes 2 hours to form a group?

Is everyone being in a group of randoms actually worse than not getting to play today?

Note that SoloQ doesn’t mean “take away the ability to form groups”. But it does ask that those groups are put against other premades, not vs 10 randoms. For the majority of pvp needs, SoloQ will do just fine to get people onto the battlefield and pressing buttons. Failure to address the problem that people are waiting literal hours to start playing is one of the things that’s costing WoW it’s player base.

if I were blizz I’d put in soloqueue just as a test to see how much interest it generates and whether it’s worth dealing with the resulting challenges

That’s not exactly true. While in PvE you can extend your reach with enough grind, you could have started 9.1 with farming +15 dungeons. Without enough skill you will never reach +15, regardless of the grind.

There is a significant difference in PvE and PvP as well. In PvE you start the season underpowered, because of lacking gear and you slowly (or not so slowly) power up. So in time, content becomes easier and easier, especially with nerfs and optimised strategy.

However in PvP you start the season with equal strength as your opponents, and generally stay on the same level as the season progresses. Main point is, in PvP things won’t get easier with grind.

That’s nearly given now as well, you can’t loses rating while below 1k, and lose a lot less than gain below 1.4k. (with enough losses, and bad enough MMR things might differ)

Also one important point I want to mention here, is that getting a reward which is literally a “participation award” is not gonna feel right or enjoyable.

That’s somewhat given as well. (baseline rating goes up during the season)

If you’d make it too easy, it would kill the group part of the rated PvP. Why wait for teammates, a good comp, or bother with losing, if you can climb to 1.6k with winning 30-40% of your games.

Remember PvP templates in Legion? Scaling in BFA? All the cry topics of “let gear be gear in pvp”, “just remove scaling”, etc? People hated it.

Not really, good players > bad players. If you don’t climb, it’s rarely a gear issue.

But they can play. There are normal BGs, if you want to get some honor, achievements, whatever.

The most confusing part is that if solo queue would be in game, those who dont like it wouldnt be forced to use it and those who’d like to use it could use it. Its so frustrating

With soloq, you’d still be able to ragequit!

i do remember joining one of your rbgs in previous patch. Worst rbg experience ever. :slight_smile: Oh yeah and you ask 1.7-1.9 while you are at 1.5

Well i learned something, to check leader before applying to join his rbg group to make it sure it is not waste of time. Most of the times leaders are undergeared plebs trying to get boosted

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Is comp not that important for RBGs? Is there any reason it is better to be organised as a PUG?

Comp is pretty important. Not all tanks are viable (like paladins are extra bad), there are quite big differences with the healers as well.

Also for DPS classes, you want at least 2 who are able to defend a base effectively (so either stealth or pet). Moreover rogs are pretty busted for stealth capping, so you want some.

A random comp loses against a well organised comp 9 out of 10 times.

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Tbh, based on what Ive seen, RBG under around 1000 rating = random BG. You literally get people sometimes group up with whatever (even some just levelled up to 60) so that they can queue.

I would therefore also question the existence of non-rated BGs anyway because if people wanna avoid the riff raff situations in both cases, they would go premade.

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comp is only important now because you fight almost entirely against other comps.
But with solo queue you’d add a lot more random pugs into the system, especially at low/mid brackets so you’d most likely more often face other random pugs and as such comps won’t be as important.


This too. It’s baffling to me how small features (or at least ones that don’t need new maps or assets) aren’t tested out on the player base.

SoloQ is even a reversible thing, because it doesn’t add any content and can thus be taken away if it doesn’t go well.

And how about weekly balance patches? Do them for 3 months, see how players are reacting. If they honestly are ‘confused’ by there not being a meta any more, then you can stop doing that.

But try!

This is what I’ve been trying to express too :smile_cat:

No, you won’t always have a rogue and a holy paladin; but the other team has the same odds. Sometimes you’ll have a terrible comp and fail hard. Sometimes the other team will have a terrible comp and fail hard. Sometimes you’ll accidentally luck out on a meta comp. Mostly you won’t. Mostly the other team won’t either.

It’s like people have forgotten that other multiplayer games have for nearly 20 years never quite known what skills would be on their battleground. You join a random server, pick your class, and play. You don’t worry that you have 4 medics, 2 snipers and no anti-tanks, you just do your best for that particular match. Next match is a whole new team anyway.

Get people into the battlegrounds within a few minutes of queuing and many problems start to vanish. It’s not like there isn’t a link between player toxicity and the amount of time they’ve spent circling Oribos before getting to play. Rather play 3 games and lose 2, than play 1 game and lose 1.

Edit: that said, I do think that early ladder progress needs to be more forgiving. The lowest 1-2 brackets really do need to be grindable. My guild tried out an RBG night last season, and despite being coordinated; we never got to the point we could upgrade our gear. I accept we are a bunch of PvE carebears, but we hit a hard wall of people who trashed us, and after 7-8 weeks, lost interest.

I wonder how many other players have had the same issue; no progress, no sense that progress will ever happen. Other team is decked in high grade PvP gear. Getting high grade PvP gear requires beating them. No way to get on an even footing, game feels unfair, why play?

Most games know that you provide a ‘free’ tier of unlocks before you engage people into the really competitive ranks. The ability to lose rating below the first tier is absolutely toxic to players who haven’t done a lot of PvP before.

(Also #ShrinkToFitGear!)

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I honestly believe the main reason Blizzard refuses to add solo queue is because then they would have to acknowledge the tank imbalance in pvp, which is awkward for them since they can’t decide whether or not tanks should be viable in pvp when right now Guardian Druids dominate.

I think it’s more of a Pandora’s Box situation.

Once Blizzard adds any form of auto queue system, then they can’t take it back again.

And once they add an auto queue to anything, then they take on the responsibility that would otherwise be the responsibility of players themselves.

A lot of class balance is solved by simply having players make their own groups. Then they can choose for themselves who they want to play with and who they don’t.
The requirements on class balance are manageable in that regard.

But once there is an auto queue system, then the expectation from the players is that any group they’re put into is a viable and balanced group.
And just like that there’s a massive pressure on Blizzard to balance all the classes and specs to be viable across a plethora of group combinations.
Suddenly the requirements on class balance are increased massively.

Understand this and you’ll recognize why there’s no auto queue system for high-end content like Mythic+ and Rated PvP.

But beyond that there’s also the player activity itself.

Once there’s an auto queue system, then players have the natural expectation that they should be able to click the queue button and within a short timeframe get into a group for that content.

That means that it’s Blizzard’s responsibility to ensure that there are always a healthy amount of players queueing up for any form of content that has an auto queue system.

And that’s hard.

It’s hard to ensure for LFR and Random Battlegrounds on the odd hours of the day.

Trying to ensure decent queue times for Rated PvP is a task that seems almost impossible, because players can’t just be put into random groups - they have to be matched according to their rating level.
There is an obvious concern that any auto queue system for Rated PvP would result in extreme queue times at various rating levels and hours of the day.
WoW PvP is not LoL or DOTA2. It cannot ensure the same volume of players to queue up all the time, because not everyone plays WoW to do rated PvP.

So as appealing as solo queue is, it’s definitely a Pandora’s Box where caution is adviced before opening it.

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solo queue arenas ? soloable warfronts ? soloable M+ ( story mode ) :smiley:

An easier solution would be to just have a personal rating apply to all pvp content. A solo queue for RBG would only result in what we already have with non rated. Some you win, some you lose, depends on the makeup of each team. Add the ability to gain rating in non RBG content then everyone can choose how they earn it.

Cool. Except it’s 2021 and people play games to have fun, not to spend 90% of their time ingame working so they can fun on top of their normal jobs.