Omg can you just add solo queue already?

Is spending an hour getting a RBG group together Blizzard’s idea of fun?


mmorpgs are time sinks…

in many ways including the ways which are bad.

you play this game at your own will fully knowing the situation before you log in.

if it is that bad, i say find something else to do/play …

i would not waste one hour of my time making a party for a rbg only tyo most likely fight a russian premade.

but if that is what you want to spend ur time on feel free :stuck_out_tongue:


It was a saturday like any other… little did I know I’d find myself agreeing with Vinzora.

It makes me feel a little dirty.

But yes please Blizzard, give us a damn solo queue!


“This entire section of the game is basically dead due to our designs and if you want to even have the chance to participate you’ll have to waste a lot of time. There is a simple solution to the problem, but since it’s an MMORPG it shouldn’t be there because MMORPGs are meant to be time sinks.” - Twiggz, 2021

Slick argumentation. You should work for Blizzard, they seem to agree with you that it’s better to let the game die than to add simple fixes that a toddler could come up with.


just saying as it is really. its not really a new thing the issue has been there for a long time…

if i worked for blizz most likely would only be a matter of time before i got sacked for saying something which offended some woke person somewhere.

The best part is that if you lose 1 match then everyone leaves the group AND YOU HAVE TO START ALL OVER AGAIN. So much fun Blizzard, thanks for this amazing system. It would be way too easy if you could just log in and play like most other online pvp games in 2021.

Literally 2 RBG groups forming at prime time. A solo queue would revitalize pvp and bring so many people back to the game. I guess Blizzard hates making money because nothing in the game would be as easy to fix as this.


I have +30k achi points and +1000 days in wow and havent been able to do single RBG so… I’d welcome solo queue


I don’t quite get the insistence of having a game mode available where you are either knowingly going to face off against a group of well coordinated players and inevitably lose or alternatively split an already small proportion of the playerbase down even further.

its all about saving time.

wow player want everything now and over fast…

(this generation of wow players at least)


I hope you realize that your random moba and wow got really few in common. Rated bg soloq would never work.

I mean, that’s on players and their impatience and refusal to learn or trust others to learn.

Spitting their dummy, leaving the group and blaming everyone but themselves is about what I expect from randos.

Want a better experience, message a few good people in every BG and add them to friends - then make a group with them in future.

Why? Because people might not have a rogue and holy paladin? Big whoop, the other team might not either.

Once you allow automated matchmaking and queueing, you adjust your expectations. Things won’t always work out, but they won’t always fail either. As long as the queue is keeping big premades out, it’s gonna be better than simply not playing for 2 hours then logging off.

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Lol, “haven’t been able to” What a load of rubbish.


The sooner the PvP side of the game dies the better.

Because you can’t carry bgs like you can carry in league for example. Obviously if you’re constantly playing better than your opponents, you can climb but so slowly that you need to play thousands of games for the luck to even out.

Just commenting to say I would also like to solo queue RBGs.

I’d argue that’s a problem of the way rating is accrued and can be fixed.

The rest of WoW is based on grind over skill - especially at lower ilvls such as you get from the first couple of rated brackets or below M+10. Frankly, you should be able to get yourself up to ~235 just by determination and time. Being good should help, obviously, but the state we have now where it’s possible to never even reach the first tier of upgrades… that kills the game. People try RPvP for a few days, get absolutely nowhere, and give up until next year.

So things that should happen, imo:

  • zero rating loss below the first bracket of PvP gear
  • slow rating loss in the 2nd bracket (e.g. a 40% win rate breaks even on rating)
  • reaching higher losses at higher brackets

Such that it should be relatively easy to reach the mid-tier with time and effort, but hard to get much higher without skill. This lets people actually get a taste of upgrades via PvP and encourages them not to give up too early.


  • gear must shrink to fit. If you walk into a zero-rating match with 252 gear; zwip, scaled down to 220.
  • an ilvl threshold should exist for all brackets so you can never overgear them. Gear is beneficial up to the cap, and being 200 in a 220 BG will be hard, but being 240 in a 220 doesn’t make you a god. This at least limits the viability of PvP boosting.

Not saying this set up would be perfect, but it’s got to be better than the mess we have now. With the things above, I think we can have a viable SoloQ that actually lets people play the game and get some fun out of it. It doesn’t matter if the skill to reach mid-rating drops, people just want to actually play :smile_cat:

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‘‘The social aspect of the game will be gone’’

Create your own group ?

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But there clearly isn’t one for PvP any more :smile_cat:

Have you tried? Last season my guild was dabbling with RBG teams. We’d often have 8-9 people ready to go on the night and need to pug the last 1-2. If we wanted the ‘right’ class to fill the gap we had, it could take a solid half hour - and that was with the majority of the team assembled and offering a discord link. If we didn’t wait for the right class, we got whupped by teams with meta comp. (We typically lacked a rogue to guard flags.) I can only imagine how long those guys waited.

Forming a group if it’s just you isn’t really much quicker than signing up.

‘‘The social aspect’’ is a toxic experience if your class/spec is not desired