On April fool's day

Think we’ve discovered a new forum trend


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jesus this guy is truly a special one

Not sure if trolling or actually that stupid


Seems that some people are happy to see the world burn around them.

Okay smarty, wanna do the math?

In PvP you can only have the chance of getting 1 azerite piece per week, and there are many pieces. I cannot find a source on how many there are in total, but that doesn’t matter, we’ll just assume that every week you get an azerite piece.

Depending on what rating you are, these azerite pieces can vary.

0-1399 = ilvl 445 = 40 TR
1400-1799 = ilvl 460 = 200 TR
1800+ = ilvl 475 = 1000 TR

This means that depending on what rating you are you’ll be able to buy 1 piece of 475 azerite after:

0-1399 = 119 weeks
1400-1799 = 24 weeks
1800+ = 5 weeks (If you decide to scrap this)

BUT WAIT! There’s also the cap rewards! Infact there are 12 azerite pieces you get from cap over a 30 weeks season, starting off at 445 and scaling to 460.

We’ll start from week 10, where the caps go up to 460, now it’ll only take at minimum:

0-1399 = You still won’t get it in time.
1400-1799 = 15 weeks
1800+ = 5 weeks… still

A rival gets matching rewards to a +10, except the +10 will also give 1.7k TR. Following this procedure, you’ll have an azerite piece within 3 weeks, not mentioning the raiding rewards you can get as well.
It’s very debateable whether a +10 is equal to rival or not :slight_smile:

And this is of course taking into account you loot an azerite piece that you can scrap every single week.

I can feel the equally washing over me. TR vendor is obviously meant for PvP’ers as well :slight_smile:



“spoiled” because you criticize the product you’re paying for while also being backed up by the vast majority of the playerbase is being a snowflake ?

I’m sorry my dude but that just sounds like a “you” problem. If you enjoy it sure, many and many others don’t, you should live with the fact.

After inspecting your character i can aswell see on why you’re behaving so weird, casuals shouldn’t really have a word in this discussion about blizzard making the game as casual friendly as possible while ignoring the ‘hardcore’ playerbase.

Also you should really look the word “snowflake” up. Questioning a system by blizzard that highly imbalances PvP is an absolute legit complaint.

You should start bringing up some relevant facts & argue properly instead of just being like

duh, but it just b like that

Now go and do some random bg’s.

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What math mate?
You do get items you D/E them, AKA is for you as well. Period.

If you think you deserve loot procs + a vendor im not the problem, the problem is you.

My priest is 2100ish M+, 7M and plenty of dungeons done INTIME, yet you whine on forums and have the same ilvl with me while you feel you dont get enough gear with 4-5 dungeons done and 3 HC bosses… And you deserve more loot right ?

Dont think so, just a spoiled pvp player demanding more and more from what he/she deserve. Take your proof now and as you said back at you: Go kite a melee around a pillar because you dont like reality

I can’t believe these kind of people are allowed to vote


So if that is an argument I can tell you I’m currently 2.4 with over 2.6 exp, have the same mythic raid kills as you, and have done in-time keys 2 levels above your best one this season (and that’s nothing truly, a huge number of people are higher rated, and did better PvE content than me), so you should just shut it and agree with me regarding loot ?

I don’t know mate, looks wrong.

In any case, you are as entertaining as ever.


That would just be mean

Champion, ye just posted a cringe! Yer going tae lose Azerite Power!

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Mutual feeling mate.

How high doesnt matter anymore, but it does matter how many.
Your rio reports 25x 15+ and 8x 10+. My alt did more dungeons from your main.
Just in case you dont know, the higher the key it gets 0 benefit. Its not like it was in previous seasons that you had more loot and bigger chance on TF/WF and you…Didnt do any high keys lol

No, i think you have to read again and use your brain to understand what i said:
He completed less content and he has more gear/same with my main AKA he dont need a PVP vendor, he just need to whine. Like you.

Let me guess, you need a vendor too? Half of your gear is PVP, juicy 465 weps there mate. Yeah vendor would be so in need for you as well rofl

Like wise old friend.

Or to work

That would have been way too far. Would have triggered me instantly into fit of rage honestly. I try to keep up hope that they do something better in Shadowlands. This amount of mindless PvE for gear so that you can finally PvP is sickening.

? I never said anything like that, simply said that we need PvP vendor. The option to gain gear from random procs could be disabled, i honestly couldn’t care less if it counts for PvP or not, advocate for your own things.

Stop trying to make things up, it doesnt make you sound more believable.

To sort some things out here:

That’s bad. And while that’s bad, you’re also lying. You’re legit 0 cr. On you’re monk you’re 1.7 garbage.

Yeah, other than probably 20 atal daztar runs, I’ve been playing on 2.4 for almost the entirety of the season. I never said i deserve “more” gear than you, you made this one up again, I said i want a vendor to chose specific items from.

What you don’t get into your head is that people are not asking for more gear, they’re asking for equality between all PvP player and customization across the board.

This could go for PvP and works for PvE aswell with certain vendors.

I never complained about being too low geared (yeah it’s kinda sad i’m the same itemlevel than a 1.7 cr casual player but thats whatever), I just wan’t to chose the items i wear in PvP

As i said, you really shouldn’t talk about “deserving”. You’ve done some Mythic +, yes literally on key’s i randomly do on my priest just to CAP. Dude I get into +14-15 groups and hard carry half the trash that’s absolutely overwhelmed with few trash mob mechanics.

But that’s okay, i don’t expect you to make any sense, rival brainlet

Sorry i just re-checked your account **

Challanger brainlet *

It’s honestly impressive that you believe you got any business talking here about deserving anything.


Ah so become you spammed easy keys you feel like you are better than someone who did harder keys ? Yo, you know some people did 100+ 5 keys go kneel before them.

In terms of loot no, but I ran them for the difficulty, not for the loot. Which you were unable to do. How hard it must be for you to realize you’re a worse PvE player than a PvP player ! I feel you.

Higher than you.

I legit do not have any 465 weapon at all in my inventory. I have one 475 pvp weapon (one of my few PvP pieces for my PvP set ), the other is either a m15 475 I got in chest, wrathion mythic dagger or carapace dagger depending on how I balance my stats. None of that is 465, and 75% of those weapons come from PvE.

I prefer a vendor over a RNG loot system, yes, quite certainly.


I’m seriously confused now, is the monk complaining m+ gear is capped at 15s and so we shouldn’t get PvP vendors?

I wonder if they’re trolling or just stupidly bored then.

Also he says higher keys gives 0 benefit, which isn’t true, it gives more residuum? So if you did an 18 every week you’d get an RNG 475 every 2 weeks.

Almost everyone’s gear is from PvE in every aspect of the game. The few exceptions (e.g. BiS azerite pieces, BiS trinkets, amazing RNG chest gear) still wont make someone have even half pvp gear I’d imagine.


Are you blind or what?

Look again forum warrior nelf: My priest is 2100ish M+

Why i even bother talking with ppl like you? Litterally says MYTHIC PLUS and you talk arena.

Youre way low IQ to talk with you,sry cant do that to myself.

As the game is right now, you are eligible for the same loot either 14 or 24. Now you can keep up nonsense when you face facts

You spent 3 seasons at 1200 rating with highest key done like 13 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You think that someone that pushed in s2 and s3 cant push more in s4? Are you that kind of a noob or just a triggered non L2P case?

Do i get any profit? No.
I dont push.
You push? Yes, because now with 3 minor slots and auto dps corruptions even the 1300 rated for 3 seasons wannabe players like you can :wink:


With a few words youre sayin what i said before: Getting some gear from the arena procs you whine is easier than to get the Mythic raiding items from last bosses. because good loot drops from hard bosses that most do not access

Yet, mythic gearing is easy right? You dont want RNG loot lol

Good, me too!
When that comes for PVE, it should come for PVP too!
Because youre not special even though you think you are :wink:

However a random like you capped at 16 keys is significantly worse than a player doing 24s.

Also you are wrong, you have some % chance per level to loot more stuff the higher the key gets, even though now it’s only a % and not guaranteed. And you also get more resifuum for a 24 than a 14 (900 more, to be exact) so no, the loot isn’t the same.

I’ve been doing 17s every season but ok. Just not playing m+. It’s so important because of corruption now that I am doing it when I have time. And btw one season that I play it without playing meta spec and I am already above your main in score, and you dare act like you are some kind of god ? Get back on earth.

The first half of this sentence makes 0 sense. Go back to school and come back when people can get what you say.

Why do you argue then ? You say you prefer vendors and when we say we want one you try to badh people ? Are you drunk stupid, or both ? No one, literally NO ONE ever said PvP players should have a vendor and PvE players shouldn’t. PvP players, on PvP forum, ask for a vendor. Nothing said about PvE. Want a PvE vendor ? Go and make your case on the PvE forums.

Says the 3 season 1300 superstar that was schooling people in forums for mechanics he had absolute 0 clue about?
Thats why you pushed now, because even your likes can.
As far as about me, i wouldnt be pushing at all if there was no mount associated with the the 15’s.

Again, you have 0 clue what you talk about yet you insist. No you dont any chance more for corruption neither for another loot proc.
Keep insisting, more people will laugh.
The only benefit is this 100-200 more residuum on chest that are useless to me.

Your Rio says different, i recall yesterday you where like 1300 in season 3.

I played all seasons in non meta classes, i pushed even 2k with holy priest omegalol spec and you call outlul a non meta spec? Get on top leaderboard runs theres always a rogue inside, thats a non meta class for you? Are you some kind of mentally challenged or what?

Im not acting like a god, i said to someone i completed more dungeons and t hen you come telling me about rating that is absolutely irrelevant to loot this season. You should get back to earth not me.
Also its common sense if you see that your total runs are like 25 while mine are 40+ that i spam low keys AKA not hunting rating anymore.

Awwww triggered an personal insults <3
You said youre using pvp weapons because weapons from 1st boss are not what you need, you need from last bosses. AKA you said youreself gearing with random loot procs is easier. BUSTED.

Are you trigerred even more little rogue?
You cant handle a proper civilized chat?
I guess you should get off the forums then.

I was quite a few hundreds above this but ok, whatever mate, you know my characters better than I do !

Not chance for corruption, chance for LOOT. Corruption remains as RNG as ever. But, each level above 15 is more chances at extra items, while only 3 are guaranteed for a 15+ on time.

To you, maybe. Not to people in general. The majority would be very glad to have 500 more residuum every week as it would make the random 475 worth 2 weeks instead of 3. That’s huge. 6 weeks for 3 instead of 9.

It doesn’t, just looked, far above 1.3. As I said, hundreds above. Look better, or don’t confuse with my alts, or w/e you managed to do to miss a number written in deep purple. The thread isn’t about my PvE plays anyways.

I don’t? I said I wasn’t playing the meta class. Which means I don’t play Outlaw. You really are dense mate.

Or can’t go higher.

No. I said I have 4 weapons in total, 3 being 475 and 1 470. One of them comes from PvP, while the other 3 come from PvE (Wrathion, m+ and carapace). I never said I don’t use Wrathion’s one because I actually have it only main set. My preferred set is the PvP weapon that I have, and Wrathion’s one. I’d of course discard the PvP one for Carapace mythic, but that’s above my level of commitment. Anyways, what you need to understand here is that I have 4 viable weapons and 75% of them come from PvEx and the PvP one isn’t even a drop, I had to trophy it. (8 weeks to get a trophy btw).

PvE is much better at giving weapons, even the one from the very first boss.

And again