On Ganking/Camping

Hi All,

Lately I have received some complaints for killing horde from members of my own faction and it has caused me to question my play style and if people understand the servers available and what they aim to provide. To give some context let me outline some of the activities I like to partake in which have caused issues with fellow players:

Ganking - at every opportunity whilst in the world going about my business I will attack and sometimes kill horde (I say sometimes because I get killed a lot of the time too, the experience is still fun). I will sometimes wait for the tactical advantage (wait until they are engaging mobs) or sometimes I will attack them with no advantage as such. I will attack AFK players and I will attack lower level players. This is how I like to play and the reason I picked this server was because it enables open world PVP.

This has been the main cause of upset from my faction members, in fact recently when passing through Hillsbrad I laid waste to a full party of lvl 30 somethings and a member of the alliance told me I was going to be “blacklisted” on this server and would struggle to find a PUG in the future for my “griefing” behavior.
This concerned me quite a lot as I was simply playing the game and having fun. In fact at the time I was “In Character” as Roktar Palebeard and I was doing my duty defending the crops in the Hillsbrad Fields - the farmers were being murdered by Horde and the food supply to Stormwind was being distrupted. I had to stop it. This is exactly the type of content I had hoped for when I chose to role on a RPPVP server. I do not understand why this is upsetting other players and I do not see why this should stop me from being invited to PUG raiding groups. I have not broken any rules.

Ganking players whilst fighting mobs has caused many people to say I have no honor and I should give the other player a chance - I do have honor and I did give the player a chance. They took the chance to engage mobs knowing I (or other alliance) was around, thus showing ignorance towards the possibility of being attacked and paying the price for it It borders on arrogance. Besides, attacking a player whilst they are dealing with something else is a tactical advantage and is often a key to victory and I use it whenever possible. It is this false sense of honor which is why you are dead and I am alive standing over your corpse.

Killing AFK players has prompted members of my faction to message me with remarks like “dude wtf?”. Yeah exactly my thoughts too - Dude WTF was this guy thinking going AFK on a RPPVP server and expecting to be left alone? He is a sitting duck as far as I am concerned and fair game. It is not my fault he rendered himself defenseless, why is this frowned upon?

Camping players is fun too, it often causes them to call in the help of nearby faction members or bring in friends to help. Before you know it there is a war going on and this is some of the best WPVP content available. There is always the option to spawn and flee immediately or use the Spirit Res if you are having no luck and cannot gain any support from your friends, in fact the spirit res was probably put in with this as one of the main reasons.

Killing people on escort quests. Not only is this hilarious, but I am pretty sure this is one of the prime examples of a PVP server enriching what would be a boring quest. The extra dynamic of having to worry about the opposing faction instead of only worrying about the NPCs is fantastic. I have been ganked on escort quests in the Hinterlands and it forced me to rethink it and come back and do it at a quieter time. Recently in Ferelas I killed a warrior doing the escort quest there and a fellow alliance member was with him trying to offer him help. He was not happy when I killed him and asked me why I did it. I asked him why he chose to help? The answer is precisely that - because I have the choice to help or kill. That is what a PVP server gives us that regular servers do not offer and that is what I am taking full advantage of. In most offline RPGs developers have been trying to give us moral choices to make which affects the way the game plays out. Well this is the same thing but with real players. It doesn’t get any better.

Is it no longer ok to engage with Horde on this server? is there some rules of engagement everywhere that people are following? Do I have to complete a checklist before I attack to ensure I am not going to offend anyone?

  • Is player my own level?
  • Is player free from mobs?
  • is player at Keyboard?
  • Is player not on any active quest?
  • Is player wanting to have PVP?

Clearly this is ridiculous, so I ask: why is it so wrong to play this way? Why do so many players frown upon this? Has WoW been penetrated by snowflakes too? If you don’t like this play style, why did you join a server that enables it? Surely this denies you the right to complain about being killed. It would be like singing up to be a soldier and complaining you’re being shot at on a deployment.

This is more than just a PVP server, it is an RPPVP server and Roleplay can often mean Horde are getting killed “unfairly”. There is one particular guild on this server which set up a barricade between Hillsbrad and Arathi and killed any Horde who tried to pass un-apologetically. I thought this was awesome and is a perfect example of the content RPPVP servers should be providing. Also this being an RP server means most of you should be in line with the lore. I am pretty sure that the Alliance and the Horde are at war.

I get killed and ganked all of the time and I am ok with it. Nothing confuses me more than Alliance crying that they are being camped for 30 minutes trying to get to UBRS or wherever. What did you expect? Free passage? The Horde to see that you are trying to do a dungeon and let you pass? Are you people out of your minds? Embrace it, you signed up for it. Rally together with your friends inside the dungeon instead of them sitting inside waiting in safety and come up with a plan to take the Horde on. There is more to this game than just the PVE side of it and that should be CRYSTAL CLEAR from the server type.

Would be interested to hear some input from my fellow server members.



I didn’t read it all but the Horde play as dirty as you do, or even I, but at times even dirtier. Killing people below your lvl or when fighting mobs, it doesn’t concern me at all, nor should it concern you, as they do just the same.

On a different note, respect them if you notice that they are roleplaying, it is a RP-pvp server, not because it is against the rules to kill them once, but out of decency.


This server is for rp and pvp. The risk of running into the other faction and getting ganked is what makes the world feel exciting and alive. I really enjoy it, on my main and on my low-level alts.

Running into the other faction and not getting ganked is also nice, as it reminds you that the other side has kind souls too. But both approaches are equally valid. I wouldn’t want to exchange that feeling of danger and faction warfare for anything, otherwise I’d be on the rp-pve server.

So let the gankers gank - they’re part of what makes this server fun.


Ganking on an RP-PvP realm is fine in my book as long as you don’t disrupt RP events on purpose. Otherwise, such behavior is considered griefing indeed.

Personally, I let low-level characters live – unless they have a stupid non-RP name, of course.

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Greetins Palebeard.

Worry not, The Juju will always respect its opponent on the fields of battle if he respects the fight back.
And dont mind angry horde/alliance with two accounts, just go on and rp.

my only advice would be for killing Horde under your level.

More or less try to not make it a brutal kos, maybe question them first, or yell a dwarven war cry etc. Try and make it interactive from their side aswell, so that even if they get killed they can go on with a fun memory of a beserking dwarf.


I feel bad killing other players while out in the open world. IC I do not see it Honorable to attack someone when they do not suspect it.

It is different if I see a fellow Horde member being attacking by Alliance, I always do my best to come to their aid.

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most of what you say is fair, but there are two issues and these both relate to the fact that this is a video game and therefore not a perfect simulation of ‘real’ life.

The two areas I see as ‘problematic’ are:

  1. Ganking lower levels - there is nothing inherently wrong in killing a lower level Hordie (on an rp realm), but going to a lower level zone specifically for this is dubious at best.

  2. Camping - again, this is something that is only possible (dying and ‘respawning’) because this is a video game. Irrelevant of what it may lead to, by camping someone, you are directly attacking their ability to play the game. On a normal pvp server? Maybe. On an rppvp server? No thanks.


The noble farmers and townsfolk of the Hillsbrad Fields will be protected!

I came up with a very long post here, but finally erased it.
I can only agree with every single word the topic starter (as well as Floofycat in comments) wrote. You’ve said everything. I couldn’t say better.

Some people keep making up their own rules.
But there are NONE rules against ganking, corpse-camping, killing afk or killing roleplayers while those are doing fancy dnd stuff expecting everyone around to bow before them and follow some madeup code of behaviour.
ALL the given opportunities are the options that one can use to play WHATEVER character he wants, for WHATEVER ic or ooc reasons, and have WHATEVER kind of fun one paid for.

I believe those who complain about being camped, or make up ‘blacklists’ for afk-slayers, or ‘report’ allies who collaborate with hordies, - they don’t understand what rp is about and why pvp brings sault and pepper to the rp.
Most likely they just have a lack of imagination. Their loss.

One always have the option to move on a pve server and piecefully pick flowers there.

While there is no rule for it, it is to show respect to the RP of the RP-PvP aspect, as well as making sure that RP doesn’t die out- because the more you kill those that wish to engage in roleplay, the more offputting it becomes and they either A) Leave to another server, or B) They quit.

As a Roleplayer myself, you usually wear another set of gear to give off looks, as well as perhaps having an event planned, that you or somebody else have put down a lot of time and effort into getting ruined by 5 players that only play on the server for the PvP aspect is frustrating. Since roleplaying is another aspect of the community’s wishes when you roll on a RP-PvP realm, or at least, usually is.

It is about respecting the RP aspect of the RP-PvP realm we play on, I do love the PvP aspect, but the few times I notice Horde RPing, I do not attack due to the reasons above.

You do not have to agree with me, but I hope you do see why it is quite the rude thing to do.


The ‘rp aspect’ of the game is clearly stated in two simple rules of an rp-pvp server that goes: you have a normal name, and you don’t mention real world in main chats. That’s it, period. Still, people tend to violate even these simple rules (and most of those people are roleplayers, by the way, at least from my experience).

Now, sitting in the middle of Trade Square and discussing football match while having rest between ‘rp-events’, not even bothering to switch to party chat for that, - well THAT’S a show of disrespect to other players, who might have come to this server for somewhat called ‘immersion’.

Now, coming to a place where you have arranged an rp-event and asking other players OOCly to leave the place cause they don’t fit your scenario - THAT’S a show of disrespect to them.

Now, trying to rp somewhat away of the lore (the lore according to which the two factions are fighting) and expecting that other players will follow your expectations and restrict their fun of slaying you - the fun they paid their money for - THAT’S a show of disrespect to those players.

Now, if somebody gets frustrated and decides to leave the realm after experiencing exactly what the letters ‘rppvp’ stand for, - well, chances are they picked a wrong realm in the first place. Why should other players sacrifice their own fun?

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People doing their kind of RP is never bad, if you dont have imagination to suit it in your own RP you dont have imagination

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Sounds to me as if you’re attempting to justify your behavior. Dunno who you’re trying to convince though? Us? Or yourself?


Every now and again I will kill a lowbie, for example if he is attacking a member of the horde. Does not make too much sense in protecting the fields as a guy that is much higher but I guess different strokes for different folks. At the end of the day both Horde and Alliance do this. I just hate it when I am not pvp spec when it does happen that kinda sucks.

Yep, you’re horrible person :slight_smile:

Said the biggest griefer of all.


What’s the lfelong story for?!

Fight. Kill. Die.

When I pass through Hillsbrad Fields if I see any alliance there 30-60 I kill them, because they are only there to gank our noobs. 20-30 our noobs can deal with them. I never corpse camp. I don’t know why people indulge in that. I think its quite sad behaviour and compensating for something lacking irl :slight_smile:
Prefer to let them res and come after me if they choose to do so. As for ganking afk, only if the guild is on my kos.

I believe ganking in “the wild” is fine, it’s PVP after all.

But I never gank the same person more than once. Why would you?
Unless he/she is trying to hunt for payback. I feel that when you do it once - it’s in the spirit of rivalry. But when you do it again … and again … and agn’n’agn … Then I guess there’s just something wrong in your life if you are trying to compensate for it. A sorry sight.

Alliance have quests stretching from level 28 to 40 there involving Hillsbrad, Alterac and Arathi. They aren’t there to gank your useless lowlevels. Mostly.

But hey, whatever justifies it as a valid reason in your clueless mind.


PS: and the highlevels head there for AV vendor/npcs as well as Scarlet Monestary parties running through the zone. But sure, it’s all deciet JUST to gank level 24 hordes. -.-