Once again Blizzard shows the Horde doesn't matter

So here we are again. After being forced to help the Worgen and night elves the next humiliation of the whole Horde is at hand from Blizzard. A story set in Silvermoon that should have been held in Stormwind instead. Turalyon is allowed to walk freely in Silvermoon without fear of being harmed. And Alleria is there too to rub it in. Why do you hate the Horde so much Blizzard? Why do you kill all of our leaders and then leave us with background characters that nobody likes? Is Metzen’s drive for humans and elves so great that he decided no other races are allowed to matter anymore? I need answers.


Blood Elves have been very neutral despite being “Horde” for a long time. In fact the only reason they made “void elves” (aka LOL SHADOW PRIESTS PRETTY MUCH BUT NOW THEY HAVE LORE!!11ONE) is so Alliance can have Blood Elves too but at the same time not disrupt the whole “horde vs alliance” bs that so many people feel like they care about


Hi level 10 karen, bye level 10 karen


Well, helping the Worgen and the Night elves is just the Horde helping clean up the mess they made, really, i’m hoping the Horde will stop picking fights they (for practical reasons, like “Neither faction can ever really win”) have no chance of winning, so they can be shown to build something instead of just going around tearing other people’s things down, and then losing major characters in the inevitable strike back.

And as Subtilizer said, the Blood elves are pretty much Horde in name only, which makes the fact that some of the biggest Horde jingoists on these forums play Blood elves all the more ironic.

I do agree that it’s weird they allowed Alleria in though, didn’t they boot her (And the other Void elves) out because void energy made the Sunwell go all explodey?


Did you get suspended again?


No I just forgot to log out of my US account. I can still post with both.

Blood elves are loyal to the Horde yet you people are constantly questioning their belonging. It has been 17 years get over it already.

Calia is forcing us to help the enemy. SO yes I am against that full stop.

alliance bias we know Blizzards whole story team is guilty of that.

That is precisely what I thought when I saw the title and your name.


Did you have a haircut?

No just too lazy to logg out of my other account.

I prefer my own version of events.

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There is no version. This is literally what happened.

Well Callia forced us to help the Forsaken clean up their sewer, soooo it was about time you did something in return.

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There was no actual reason to include the Horde, just the green guilt of Calia who works in the pockets of the alliance just like I had predicted it the moment the other Forsaken offered her a place of leadership.

Or so you say.

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There was no actual reason to include the Alliance in Uc questline either, but they did, same as they did now with the Horde, get over it.

We know Horde leaders are traitors in disguise. Faction pride is for humans and elves only.

Yeah I’m not participating in this discussion. GL HF in your misery.

A conversation between you two is an epic thing I didn’t knew I needed.

Erevien is a global brand now, he has opened New brances in u.s as well :smirk:

Soon you’ll see Erevien in Chinese and Russian forums as well.

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There was a reason to include the Horde, because if they didn’t, people like you would complain incessantly about how the Horde didn’t get a questline too.

Sure, you’re still complaining incessantly, but i don’t think anything short of torpedo-ing the entire game by deleting the Alliance would make you stop, anyway…