One against many horde

I can’t believe horde players are crying for too many alliance in warmode on,but you know what, come and see me alone against the 10.00000 horde,like hell i have 0 chance to any crate is like horde looting 2 or 3 time in day is a great opportunity but seems only for horde.
Wth just happened it was never in my realm so empty on alliance side since bfa there was always alliance players in warmode,now if i see one is a miracle.Please add a deadly bomb to explode when crates land and someone is opening.

I guess it depends on the shard. I purposely made my Hunter on Stormscale, which I assumed was Horde dominated, to have more enemies, but Warcrates are almost always swarmed by Alliance. I do the crates a lot and only lost like one to Horde this expansion.

If you just need the conquest from the crates, you can also farm them in DF zones, that mostly have none or only one contender.

Otherwise maybe try making a group to farm the crates?

You know thst u can go do the Dragonflight crates instead right ?
They give the same amount of conquest and bloody tokens

Conquest is not really a problem,mostly achievement, the pvp title from Khaz’Algar sounds good,seems very hard to get it,i guess groups is the only option left,btw i am surprised they did left the conquest in df crates even if theyre time is gone.Either way i have come to a realization that warmode will never bee the same like it was in bfa,it has lost his interest,purpose,joy.

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All casual PvP lost its joy and with no place for people to cooldown from arenas, game dies.

it’s the complete opposite on RP shards, 0 horde at any crates, always at least 5-10 alliance, every single time.