I have a small offer for those of you who share my love for both Dungeons and Dragons and Azeroth. I am running a one shot adventure on 2019-11-08T18:00:00Z - this will be preety high level adventure based on Legion dungeon - Court of Stars. For those interested in giving it a try - https ://app. roll20. net/lfg/listing/181480/one-night-in-suramar
It sounds interesting. The site you posted requires a login before people can read the instructions, though. Is there a short version of required rules you could post here?
What kind of wine will you be drinking during this particular party? [Trick question]
Keep in mind that Roll20 is rather broad platform so I kind of need to hammer down people’s throats that it is Warcraft and not normal DnD. I have rules for Warcraft Classes, Races etc.
This is meant to be 11th level adventure so fairly high.