This character has Khaz algar, Shadwolands, legion, draenor, pandaria, cata, northrend, outland, classic engineering and alchemy (and all the ones before legion are well progressed/maxed out)
BUT. the profession trainers won’t teach me anything, and also treat me as if i do not have alchemy at all
this is how it looks: imgur. com/a/V5J2DUG
And this is my alchemy page : imgur. com/a/puBMQ7F
The “train” button is also greyed out and says i can only learn two primary professions.
I dont want to unlearn the profession, obivously, but i also couldn’t find any info on this. :\
Just noticed, i already “have” kul tiran alchemy, but… it definitely shouldnt be treating me like this, the khaz algar trainer does this too,
So iguess this is a visual issue, but the profession trainer also doesn’t let me learn kul tiran engineering (the “profession trainer” instructor allkana in nazjatar -havent checked other trainers)