One of my characters can't learn any profession

This character has Khaz algar, Shadwolands, legion, draenor, pandaria, cata, northrend, outland, classic engineering and alchemy (and all the ones before legion are well progressed/maxed out)
BUT. the profession trainers won’t teach me anything, and also treat me as if i do not have alchemy at all
this is how it looks: imgur. com/a/V5J2DUG
And this is my alchemy page : imgur. com/a/puBMQ7F
The “train” button is also greyed out and says i can only learn two primary professions.

I dont want to unlearn the profession, obivously, but i also couldn’t find any info on this. :\

Just noticed, i already “have” kul tiran alchemy, but… it definitely shouldnt be treating me like this, the khaz algar trainer does this too,
So iguess this is a visual issue, but the profession trainer also doesn’t let me learn kul tiran engineering (the “profession trainer” instructor allkana in nazjatar -havent checked other trainers)