One of the highest Rated Frostmages EU, GUIDE

Its doable boys, you just need to practise :slight_smile:

Update from questions:


3x tunnel of ice

Pvp talents:

Deep shatter
Frozen orb placement
Temp shield (swap to klepto vs Rdruids)


-You need 25%+ haste
-After that you stack versa as high as you can. You should have 15-25% versa

  • Crit is your 3rd best stats in pvp, but far less important than haste/versa
  • Mastery is pure garabage in pvp for frost mage, you dont want any item with mastery on it

Dmg rotation:

Practise to shatter your frostbolts in 4 different ways

  • With pet freeze
  • with ice nova
  • with flurry
  • with normal ice nova ( close range )

- Macros

Make macro for counterspell focus / polymorph / spellsteal focus.

You want to kill the dps while sheeping the healer in 99% of the games


Breath major
Conflict minor
lucid dreams minor
Focus iris minor if your are blow 25% haste, otherwise you can go with vision of perfection, life force. You can pick what feels best.


Tier 1: Gushing wounds, haste/versa corruptions
Tier 2: Tenticals, Stars

Other corruptions not worth useing in arena. Stay below 39 corruptions always.


Keep pumping the dps together with your Disc.

Get a sheep on the healer, then use all your instant damage on dps. Comet storm, ice nova, icicles, ice lance, flame essence,

RE-sheep the healer or let your healer fear.

Repeat until they run out of cooldowns and win

How to land sheeps vs different healers:

  • Hpala: just blink in and sheep
  • Rshaman: start casting sheep then blink behind him so he cant interrupt (he can only interrupt targets in front of him)
    Priest: Fake his premention then sheep him normal
    Monk: Sheep him normal, sometimes double blink since he has good mobility
    Rdruid: Dont try to sheep Rdruids until you have good preasure on the dps (below 40%) Then start sheeping Rdruid while he is casting heals and cant sit in cat form.

Any other questions I am happy to answer.


What comp have you been playing?

I play frostmage/Disc

Alright, great. Glad to see frost mages doing something in 2’s too, when most resort to the fire/rogue meta.


Great! Now I just need a disc friend and we can start practicing.

As I hear, the arena essence is pretty good for pve too, that would be my first goal.

edit: 3x Tunnel of Ice is a requirement along with Deep Shatter talent?


You need,

3x tunnel of ice

Pvp talents:

deep shatter
Frozen orb placement
Temp shield (swap to klepto vs Rdruids)


-You need 25%+ haste
-After that you stack versa as high as you can. You should have 15-25% versa

  • Crit is your 3rd best stats in pvp, but far less important than haste/versa
  • Mastery is pure garabage in pvp for frost mage, you dont want any item with mastery on it

Dmg rotation:

Practise to shatter your frostbolts in 4 different ways

  • With pet freeze
  • with ice nova
  • with flurry
  • with normal ice nova ( close range )

- Macros

Make macro for counterspell focus / polymorph / spellsteal focus.

You want to kill the dps while sheeping the healer in 99% of the games


Breath major
Conflict minor
lucid dreams minor
Focus iris minor if your are blow 25% haste, otherwise you can go with vision of perfection, life force. You can pick what feels best.


Tier 1: Gushing wounds, haste/versa corruptions
Tier 2: Tenticals, Stars

Other corruptions not worth useing in arena. Stay below 39 corruptions always.


Keep pumping the dps together with your Disc.

Get a sheep on the healer, then use all your instant damage on dps. Comet storm, ice nova, icicles, ice lance, flame essence,

RE-sheep the healer or let your healer fear.

Repeat until they run out of cooldowns and win

How to land sheeps vs different healers:

  • Hpala: just blink in and sheep
  • Rshaman: start casting sheep then blink behind him so he cant interrupt (he can only interrupt targets in front of him)
    Priest: Fake his premention then sheep him normal
    Monk: Sheep him normal, sometimes double blink since he has good mobility
    Rdruid: Dont try to sheep Rdruids until you have good preasure on the dps (below 40%) Then start sheeping Rdruid while he is casting heals and cant sit in cat form.

Any other questions I am happy to answer.

Come ooooon… learn how to spell “tentacle” already. This is not the first time I see you spell it wrong!

hard stuck at 2000cr, 600 games, you need to listen more to the message not the spelling broski


Nooot really. Been at 2100+ more than once this season, ended up falling back because of oneshotting corruptions and then going back up when the enemy teams didn’t have them/had bad proc luck. Left this season be from now onwards. No fun.

there is no “one shotting” corruption my friend.

Stars should be dispelled by your healer, and then it can never hit for more then 15% of your hp every 12 seconds. Tentical can be killed in 1-2 seconds by your or your healer, just make a WA for it. Cheers

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Sure, because there’s sooo much counterplay to someone stunning/kicking me on fire school and proccing the tentacle. Rogue-disc where both enemies have the tentacle is a death wish if they get a little lucky. I was also attempting my pushing back when the “stars/tentacle can only proc once every 12 seconds” wasn’t a thing yet. Not playing WoW now due to personal reasons preventing me from such.

Not to be that guy but since when does anyone care about 2v2

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