I do apologise for posting something that has been banned in the past and still probably is still banned. And that’s Player Housing
I implore you to give me a chance to explain my personal thoughts and beliefs in why I think this huge ask is worth taking the risk for. However you may disregard this post. Or maybe take the plunge. We never know with so many things changing, especially positive ones
But I can’t help but yearn for this one feature. One feature that would complete my character’s story. Something I can escape to away from these depressing strange times we’re living in currently.
The lonelyness, the low moods and no willpower, that becomes increasingly more unbearable as the months go by.
However, the WoW community play a very important part in helping with Mental Health. It gives that person who is suffering silently, that opportunity to have a positive purpose in life. Which helps us get back on our feet psychologically. And we’ve all built that society amongst ourselves. And sometimes that is enough to bring someone out of a dark place.
Anyways. Enough of me yabbering on about that.
Imagine the different playerbase content that would be created. A feature that is both available and optional. Something that everyone can enjoy and share with each other.
There was a game called Wildstar. Their most successful optional feature was the player housing. Anyone who has played Wildstar would agree Nexon’s player housing on the side activity. Was a huge hit. Allowing players to create inspirational. Masterpieces, no matter how big or small
Everything was editable. They was extremely successful. However smaller games eventually shutdown.
Here’s some possible positives
•An extra added feature for personal enjoyment or Role Play aspects
• Person centred
• Gold sink = less Inflation
• Promotes every different possibilities of playstyles that the player would delve in, to gain a certain cosmetic item.
° Team work
° Co-op
° Solo
° Gatherer
° All different types of professions.
And that one guy who buys it
° Achievement’s that provide cosmetic reward. Something that players can place in their own sacred haven they call home
°Opportunities for Blizzard to gain financially over extremely unique features - for an example the mount and pet store
° A guild version of a mead house or even like King Arthur and the knights of the round table.
Anything can happen if we get given the opportunity. A risk is sometimes worth taking if the reward is far greater.
As for Cons. Only you can decide that. What are you willing to put in. For the chance of an amazing outcome.
And if it doesn’t go to plan but you tried, then we thank you and fully appreciate your dedication in trying to accommodate our curiosity and desires.
Thank you for reading this
Take care
Kind regards