Simple question; “one or more dungeons was not valid” How is this bug STILL IN THE GAME?!
I’ve made this exact same post previous expansion; can we PLEASE fix this damn bug already and maybe… just maybe DO NOT REPEAT THIS BUG AGAIN IN THE FUTURE.
Dont feel like im asking for a lot when I want “a functional game” but then again considering this is the second expansion of the same bug maybe simply wanting a “functional game” is no longer within blizzard’s capabilities anymore.
Bugs are reported in-game via the bug reporting tool, not on the forums. Reporting a bug on the forums is a waste of bytes, as the forum staff have said previously, that they are not permitted to forward on bug reports made on the forums, unless a developer specifically asks them to.
You’re assuming I have not reported this bug in game yet; You should not assume things you know nothing about makes you look kinda silly.
This bug has been in the game for a looong time now and nothing has happened even after multiple reports from many people; at this point we go to the forums.
If u’re bored and feel like looking silly again feel free drop and other assumption tho