One piece cloaks with hoods please?

Would it be possible to have a transmog back item - one piece combined cloak with hood ?

If this transmog was selected, the head slot would need to be restricted to facial transmog items only, such as glasses and eyepatches etc. :eyeglasses: :face_with_monocle:

I know we can choose a seperate back and hood head item atm, but there is large gap and it doesn’t look very good or one garment imo.

Any thoughts or ideas on this ?

Would head movement for certain races cause issues ?

I noticed some races seem to swing their heads around a lot with exaggerated movement while idling.


I think it’s a great idea. I could be a wicked witch hiding in a dark cloak.


Although I do like the idea.

I think the reason why they are not Single piece already is because of the way the models already work and are animated.

Look at idle head movements, looking side to side (female belf for example).

If you look at the way the armour currently works, split into 2 pieces. Most armour are just blocks with a few small animations. Movement is a lot simpler than having to animate a turning headpiece.

If you get what I’m trying to say?

I’d definitely like to see Lich King style, over the shoulder Cloaks though.

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It would be a great cosmetic item.

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Red Riding Hood approves of this idea.

And you could even stack it with head transmogs like goggles/masks if it counts as a cloak.


I’d quite like 3 piece cloaks.
Regular cloak.
A cosmetic hood that all armour types can use to match the cloak.
A cosmetic shoulder piece that matches hood and cloak.

The shoulder and hood would be designed to look like all one piece.
Some shoulder pieces could look like the hoos is hanging back not on top of the head.

Probably too difficult to pull off but I’d like to see it tried.

It would offer more options. :smiley:

Yes, I think animation issues would be a stumbling point.

That does sound cool. :+1:

I am assuming you meant a cloak front that drapes across the body ?

This is the only reasonable picture I have managed to find.

That is a good idea and a hood draping down the back may be a lot easier to do.

A lot of the current shoulder pieces tend to be a bit big and on the flashy side, often only designed purely for one specific set. Smaller, generic adventurer style options might get more use and blend in a bit more.

I think you are right, that shoulder items could be created to compliment simpler matching shoulder and head pieces building a set look. (Careful recolours and subtle embroidery detail might allow limited mixing and matching of these set items).

Yes! Now I realise they kind of did it with the Arathi Warfront Elite Alliance set. But it could definitely have been done better.

After posting this, I actually went back into the game and paid attention to how the armour moves as my character moves.

Most of the moving parts are just where the body is painted (i.e. the hands) or where the armour shape is more basic.

I rather see them fixing the annoying clipping. Its so weird seeing ears, toes, tusks, horns etc sticking out all the time.

I think the clipping has got worse as they continually add more races and items to the game. Gnomes dragging swords into the ground, new hairstyles and dangly belts etc.

My panda priest recently got a nice red robe which had a big collar on it, so she had to get a new haircut to avoid it clipping.

Can we have dwarf druids first and then useless hood after thx.


Well, obviously we need the Draenei heritage armour first … though maybe that could include a hooded cape.
I was thinking of something like this but probably in a dark purple to match my purple aura.

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I want to reroll dwarf druid as a healer, still waiting :pleading_face:

It’s time for dwarf druid and demon hunter

I just wish facial accessories such as tiaras and glasses could be trasmogged separately from the hood.

It’s silly that I cannot wear my mage hat and my glasses at the same time. :frowning:


I feel you. The clipping is horrible in WoW.

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I really want the other heritage sets to be released.

It would be nice if they add it properly with a small story questline as they did with the Kul Tiran Drust.

Dwarf demon hunter is a bit of an stretch for me, I keep visualising glowing eyes under a small iron horned helm and super sharp axe-glaives. Pretty scary, Illidan would be impressed. :smiley:

I am not sure how many are still left to do. A timetable from Blizzard would be useful. :calendar: :+1:

After the heritage sets are all done, perhaps the art team could look into guard series sets for collectors and rpers. They are never gonna be out of work ! :memo: :parasol_on_ground: :laughing:

Would have liked to have the neck doodads on the newer armors be tied to the cloak instead so that you could hide them.

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