Oneshots in arenas

Nerf whazzz irl?

you havent played enough games.

Lol so what? it doesnā€™t change the fact their utility is so overloaded that they can make it impossible to kill someone if player very well.

Then its up to them to use a def CD before they hit 20% HP when you do get kicked. Or donā€™t get kicked if you know they have all their burst CDā€™s up, or you could put your earthen totem down, have you or your teammate inside of it whichever they are hittingā€¦ then let yourself get kicked.

the random 1 shots will go away with time and tuning, they arenā€™t skilful ofc.

They wonā€™t slow it back down from what Ion has said, faster games are far better than slower ones. If you make a mistake in a faster game you get punished and lose within normally a min or so. That promotes you to either learn from what you or a teammate did wrong or you keep dying in the same situation to the same comps, it promotes you to play in a far more skilful way than what WoW has been in some past expansions. Alot of people who are used to or have gained rating in BFA are now struggling to reobtain it because the game now allows for less mistakes to be made and you donā€™t have corruption carrying people survivability or dmg.

You got your first 2.2k in BFAā€¦ an expansion that had alot of noob proof things in it, corruption being among them (Gushing Rogues, Ineffable Truth Pallys, Vers stacked Fire Mages and Locks being some of the bigger ones). Question is nowā€¦ can you do it again or are you among the people who got carried by BFAā€™s noob proof mechanics? I got my first 2400 in BFA. Only way to find out is to play, adapt to the new fact pace and less forgiving meta and reobtain the rating. If you canā€™t then you know you got carried by BFA.

No flame or hate etc.

It change the fact that this post is about oneshots mecanics and not the overall balance of classes.

His answer was mostly to explain that, since warriors arenā€™t one shooting people , it doesnā€™t appear on the list.

However iā€™m sure the dwarf would agree on the fact that warrior kit is currently too strong.

I just pointed out that Warrior is not on the nerf list and someone else tried to imply that because they donā€™t 1 shot they arenā€™t as much of a problem while they are currently ranked the best melee in game in the hands of a skilled player.

That just goes to show that people donā€™t consider anything outside of classes that can 1 shot you. Normally those classes will only 1 shot you if you stand there and let them by the way (there are some exceptions though). Iā€™m sure someone will argue that you canā€™t stop a Boomie or Ret but there are things you can do to avoid alot of their dmg. One being as soon as a Pally uses his wings use a def CD throw any and all CC you have at him (not blind if you are a Rogue) and literally try and reach a pillar to LoS him. If you are a Warrior you can insta Parry, storm bolt him and leap away for example. If you stun him and get out fast enough you might not even need to use Parry. You generally treat Boomies the same way, you donā€™t stay in and hit them. I can almost guarantee a good 70% - 80% of the 1 shots people are complaining about are caused by them seeing wings or incarn for example, using a def CD then staying in and hitting the Ret or Boomie. Then their def CD runs out and they get insta killed.

Iā€™m not saying the dmg on some classes is fine because its notā€¦ but my point is thereā€™s still quite alot you can do to avoid them actually 1 shotting you.

I totally agree on that

I think itā€™s mostly because getting oneshot is really frustrating, especially if you didnā€™t make any mistake or if the ennemi just got a lucky crit.
Itā€™s more frustating than playing against op specs that havenā€™t rng oneshot mecanics (or the sorts of mecanics destribes by op).

This entirely depends on comps and how the game is going. I wonā€™t debate it because you will always find exceptions and you can never have a global idea of what to do if you arenā€™t in the match itself.

(But i agree that you usually have some counterplay possible, otherwise i would never win against those classes, maybe being warrior main helps too tho).

Yeah of course random crits happen and are really annoying, Iā€™ve died a few times without blocking to a random 15k crit off some classes, normally a Feral actually. Theres nothing you can really do about it, but on the flip side that doesnā€™t happen very often, something like 1 in 20 - 30 games maybeā€¦ from my experience anyway.

It is also a pain playing against specs that have 1 shots, but thatā€™s why I made a point of saying people donā€™t respect or react properly to these 1 shot specs dmg CDs and then get tilted when they die. Iā€™m not the best player in game Iā€™m only at 2400 MMR currently and even at this rating its rare someone gets 1 shot by either team. It does happen from time to time but that was because they made a big mistake normally. Iā€™m going to use Ret as an example again, when he uses his wings after we open all I do is spam Poly him, then when heā€™s fully DRā€™d Iā€™m spam polying the other DPS, during this time the Rogue insta ran away (or he should be) because they are going for him since heā€™s easier to kill than me. They generally get nothing or very little when we do this. But if the Rogue didnā€™t run instantly the Ret would have gotten dmg onto him and probably forced his Cloak/Evasion in seconds. If you donā€™t react instantly to something and think you can use a CD and tank it outā€¦ youā€™re wrong, you will die to alot of these specs.

Last night we played an RMP mirror vs Whaazz & Raiku (highest RMP on ladder) with Ratapie healing on Disc, they beat us in 2 minutes because of our mistakes but even though Fire Mage and Rogue can 1 shot people they couldnā€™t 1 shot us because we reacted to their dmg and used CDs instantly and broke up the CC chain on our healerā€¦ just everything else outside of that loss us the game and caused us to have to use to many Def CDs haha.

Iā€™ve got 2.2k in legion already. Nothing has changed with fire mages and rogues only changed spec from assa to sub. They are both still S-tier and in my opinion fire mage is one of the most broken specs atm.

Itā€™s very easy for you to say that there is no longer noob proof mechanics that will carry other players cuz fire mage has been broken since bfa (mechagon bracers etc.). I donā€™t think itā€™s fair that when fire mage press their ā€œwin macroā€, I instantly have to use trinket Astral Shift and Grounding totem and I still lose 80% of my health simply because there is a tiny delay before the grounding totem buff activates. If average human reaction time is 0.25 sec and then we add all technical delays as well, my defencives will always be late cuz they are not active within the first 0.1 seconds after activation of combustion. I feel like Iā€™m forced to save trinket until combustion and thatā€™s why sub rogues can run freely with their infite cc and just take some1 to 50% health and then fire mage just one shots them when itā€™s too late.

I just find it ridiculous how people who play these op classes keep telling how they can be countered by los, purge, kick, out range, etc. when the damage happens so fast that it literally doesnā€™t matter matter what you press cuz you will either be late or the defencives are simply not enough.

I challenge you to go play resto shaman and try to get over 2,4k. You can even recruit a warrior in your team and see how much fun it is to die in 0.3 sec against fire mages or sit in cc until some1 just get 1 shotted.

according to your achievement date it was BFA.

Ofc, its the game and every other class as to the reason youā€™re struggling in 2s/3s, you play flawlessly and well every game but just get randomly 1 shot every game.

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