Oneshots in arenas

Id rather face ww than being instakilled from stealth with no real counter play. And the fact that convoke targets random enemy simply adds another layer of stupid design on top of it, so I rly dont see a reason anybody would actually allow such stupid ability to be in the game, when its obviously going to be super problematic. But yea, ppl who create this game dont even know there is a pvp content here.

I mean, can you please show me how I can outheal a Turbo Cleave? Thanks in advance.

what are peoples opinions on shadow priest, hunter and enchancement shamans broken or not broke :slight_smile: and what about locks too XD


Dude ret cab outheal almost everything i saw ret screens where he heals as much as a healer i send u some in discord.

Ps merry Christmas hollow.

Haven’t seen the 100% parry fist complain in a long time. Good job op digging out some hidden gems

Fists op nerf pls here u go xD

Be careful what you ask for. Are you sure you want to play a gnome,because it would be broken? I envy you that you can at least play human. Horde has very little options and all of them look garbo, except maybe ud,heh.

Buff convoke please im already dead when they cast it cuz of stun or something plz make instant cast so i can requeue faster. Also remove forbearance the 30 sec it is on now is exactly my burst window so 2 bubbles and divine shield isnt enough with the damage retri does. Pls buff the hunt as well should do more smg to go with the synergy in 2s.

complaining about combust & moonkins is like complaining that you can lose over half your health from greater pyroblast

You kinda have to do some input instead of being a dps bot from times

Well yes and no, the boomkin needs to get out of stealth, but a ranged kicker must have used his kick already. They often need to use celestial alignment as well to generate the balance power incase something went bad and they need to fire a Fury of Elune to just 1 shot a person.

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i.gifer. com/1gs1.gif

god can you stop

theres literally always people who try and make some broken spec sound challanging or “hard to pull off”

you people are tired and i feel bad for you

You’re the kind of guys that went into the Overwatch forums when Brigitta was released and acted like “Y bro, there is counterplay”

Yeah, theres counterplay to nearly everything in the game. To what extend is the question here so stop making pressing 1 button sound hard

Admittedly I’ve not seen balance gameplay from the balance player’s perspective, but yeah, what I DO see is the druid popping out of stealth at max range, then me or my partner is dead.

Yeah, that’s the issue, tbh convoke should be partialy cast partialy channeled - You cast it for 1 second then you have to channel for 3 seconds. That way you have some time for react and even moonkin isn’t this punished if they interupt the cast part, you can recast it later.

And all of these oneshotters claims their specs are trash and in need of buff. That the other oneshotters are broken and in need of nerf (Cause they can actually die to other oneshotters) and that all the trash-tier classes are fine (but should be nerfed a little bit more)

cant wait to see all the fotm-reroller-knuckleheads get nerfed and then their backsides handed to them in arena by specs they were allowed to oneshot for to long.

cries gonna be epic. fotm-reroller-knucklehead tears mmm.

Careful what you are sarcastic about, fotm-rerollers are not a small part of the playerbase and they are already crying whenever other fotm-knuckleheads kills them and they are crying for buffs to themselves and nerfs to others.

the one thing these oneshot-knuckleheads agree over is that trash tier specs like dk is perfectly fine and should be nerfed anyhow.

blizz gonna listen to those who cry the most.

I like how Warrior was left of that list, even though its utility and dmg makes it the best class in arena currently :upside_down_face:

Sure, nerf Mages… Boomies, WW etc but do not forget to nerf Warriors like they did last time and only Nerfed Rogues & Hunters.

Warriors were left out because usually it takes longer than 1 minute to win the game. I agree that they are super strong but their burst takes like 4 seconds to kill someone instead of 0.3 seconds. Which means there’s at least a little more time for counter play.

I play healer and I would like to press my healing abilities during the games but people just get deleted from 100% to 0 during within a duration of a kick so I feel totally useless.

Look I’m just being honest here. I simply don’t enjoy playing this so called fast paced meta. It just isn’t fun for me.

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