Ongoing 15+ years mystery: What is the troll's "Mojo"

Troll’s Mojo

This must be one of the most old WoW related things that we do not seem to be certain about what it actually is in WoW.
These are what our clues seem to be
The item always seem to be a vial of some sort.
Vials can contain liquids or solids small enough to fit in, like powder or small beads.

It does not seem to be something collected from the body of the troll killed as an emote some troll NPC do when agroed is “I am going to make you into mojo!”.
So it probably means that it is made using something physical of spiritual part of some slain person.
At the same time there is the flavor text of the Massive Mojo that says “More Mojo than any one troll should have.” It seem to suggest that it is both something that varies with potency and quantity in its container or in the body of such a creature

The players can use it for few things like for crafting magical robes and some potion.

With all these things considered, has anyone decided what WoW’s mojo is supposed to be? Does it have some particular form or is it just a convenient way to name some magical things related to the troll tradition?

Never you be mindin’ that. Troll business mon, you go back to eatin’ some Dalaran Sharp or whatever you humans do.


i assume its troll version of chinese Qi
In traditional Chinese culture, qi or ch’i [qì] is believed to be a vital force forming part of any living entity. Qi translates as “air” and figuratively as “material energy”, “life force”, or "energy flow


A gentleman never shares his secrets , trolls are well known for that .

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Still Friday, my dude - wait until tomorrow.

Some mojo is the blood of a loa

Dr Evil knows the power of mojo.


It’s definitely:

Non-maritime version.


The answer is weed.

Mojo is just some expensive kush.

I see, so in WoW Mojo isn’t an item.

Also are Trolls full of Mojo? Might explain why Nazeebo is carrying around a Troll’s head.

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I like to think of Mojo as the troll term for Chi, but Troll mojo is different from all other race’s Chi, in that it doesn’t present in a misty/gusty form and is denser and stickier, hence why it can be bottled.

Why is this the case? Maybe it’s something to do with the fact that Troll have loa-blessed regeneration, so quite a direct racial tie to the wild gods (who come from Spirit -> Chi) so it means their Chi is “heavily saturated” or something.

It is something you have to beware of it and also to come and get it at the same time.


They just need to find other word to name men fluid. Because that S word is censored.

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Trolls are looking to inform on you. They’re all snitches.

As soon as they come across a guy who’s like “Heck yeah I want all the voodoo” they’re on the speed dial to the Horde authorities.

Only male trolls got Mojo?
I thought it was the power that drives male trolls

I am not sure about that. It is just that the ladies do have more class and do not talk about it all the time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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