Only 1 layer on pyrewood?

Bruh , that config was garbage in 2003 . Get yourself athlon x2 and 8600 . And to people complaining about mega faction, big servers , yea it is our problem that horde left in mass to gehenas when the hydraxian loophole was live and that we are the biggest(or 2nd) pve server in the world and that people prefer to play on big servers . And while you enjoy your weekly advertisement for your naxx 10 run to get filled within 2 weeks as that is how you like it , vast majority of people do not like that . And in the end it is an MMO and guess what people like playing with other people and to have a choice among a lot of people to chose with whom to play and not get stuck on inbreed servers .

You’re right, your choice. Enjoy its ups and downs.

the current ups and downs werent their 2 weeks ago. thats the annoying part. its now 1pm and we still have 1 layer. mining is just a no go. as the 5 people im competing with on my paladin with myself are for the large part bots or suspected bots. there has been no justification whatsoever for layer dropping and its clear to see that 1 layer is simply not enough.

I know. Ironically though and partially due to spite, as not less than 2 weeks ago best solution when it came to server sizes given to me was to transfer somewhere else (as NK slowly drips down), i find it fair there are downsides to your advantages. Early WoW was never designed with those numbers in mind and layering wasn’t even reasonable solution long term.

Early WoW was never designed with those numbers in mind and layering wasn’t even reasonable solution long term.

If you have your mindset stuck in stone age you are not gonna fix modern problems .

same on earthshaker, lagg like crazy
it worked fine before so OFC blizzard had to f it up…

I don’t think layering the way Blizzard implemented it did a good job at anything other than making less populated zones feel even more desolate and allowing crafty players abuse it and get access to more materials than possible. While yes it reduces local lag on player’s end it still does nothing to lag on features like looting, auction house.

08/12/22 7:50am this morning 2 layers.

so wedneday reset day 1 layer for most of the day. thursday the day after. 2 layers early morning. this just shouts " were manually activating them"

O yeah i deff enjoyed the golden days of 450g for black lotus and waiting 30 mins in line for q npcs and people droping wbuffs willy nilly and ofc the wonderfull low layer SWL dailys , o so amazing . Layering is perfectly fine , only thing better is sharding , but even saying that word is forbiden . And making less populated zones feel even more desolate , well under lvl 10 and 20 zones felt always thay had people , but then there was for a lot of time mage and pala bosting , combined with level boost and weak policy on punishing buyers of gold , and their incompetence to actively moderate the game and patch the game in a more proactive way that reflects how the people are playing the game today , and you are gonna say layering killed the low pop zones ?

Certainly doesn’t help. Number of people below Northrend levels is already low and when you effectively divide them by however many layers are there it’s even worse.

Again the very core issue with the system is that WoW was not made with it in mind at fundamental level. Interactions with other players be it positive (joining together for a quest) or negative (Getting ganked, competing for resources, quest NPCs or mobs) are part of intended experience. Layers limit that by design and would do that even without other factors. Not to mention them being easy to abuse and clear advantage when you can have whole zones for yourself just because you’re on lucky layer. Sure price drop might be a boon for some (as a legitimate miner I say it sucks badly) but that’s more due to bots than layers (though crafty bots might end up on relatively empty one)

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