Only 2 Weeks Pre-Patch?

Noone claimed that it did.
Try reading posts before you complain about them.

It’s not just the Americans.

That’s the astronomical definition (and it’s not always the 21st) which most people don’t care about. The meteorological summer always starts June 1st according to UK metoffice. The meteorological summer is the one most people talk about when they talk about summer in my experience.

Tru, but in the original prepatch you could not create Belfs or Draenei during that time. With this prepatch at least they allow you to make new char with the new racers and have two weeks to level them which is what 80% of the ppl rly want the prepatch for mostly.

The Corporate defence force is strong with this subject.
The blind willingness to defend Blizzard for this is laughable.


These fools can’t even stick to their word for 3 months…what a disaster this company.
How are we to believe anything they say about anything after this?


Maybe we aren’t defending Blizzard but our fun ?

Some of us ARE ready. Pre-patch = TBC is ready.
Why should we wait X months because X players don’t have time to/don’t want to ?

No matter how you try to justify it, you are trying to defend Blizzards actions.

Anyway, you answered the question of why.
Because ultimately you are a selfish individual who cares of no one but yourself.
I mean, how could it possibly harm you to wait an extra 2 weeks? Other than acting like a inpatient child at xmas.

But whatever, the 2 weeks pre patch does not effect me but I know it will effect others who have jobs or have children.
And that’s the difference between me and you.
I’m not selfish enough to think about my own wants above all others and I’m willing to wait and do something else.

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“I don’t want to wait because i’m ready”
“I’m not ready so i want you to wait for me”

Both sides are selfish.

Its just repeating across many threads - but I think the negativity is rooted in that a lot of people (obviously not all) have been checked out from Classic for a while and were looking forward to a leisurely prepatch where they could level a new character and mess about with the TBC talents in Vanilla content.

I don’t really see why the prepatch couldn’t have begun two weeks ago - which wouldn’t obviously hurt the people who don’t want TBC further delayed. I suspect the argument is that all these server copies are reasonably intensive. But arguably that’s a good excuse to do it early rather than pushed up against TBC’s release date. If something were to go wrong you’ve got more time to fix it. Maybe they weren’t ready.

It would really suck if blizzard changes it now as myself and probably a lot of other people managed to take time of. They should have given us 4 weeks from the start. To late to change it now

2 years that we knew TBC was coming… if you aren’t ready now sorry but that is your own fault then. 2 weeks is plenty time to level any class with the changes to xp even if you have a job or whatever

I don’t think 2 weeks will be feasible for Belf/ Draenei casual players, who are the ones most affected by this - and there will be quite a few of them.

The problem is that, if I remember correctly, Blizz had said that there would be ample time to level in pre-patch. 2 weeks is not what the majority would consider ample time, at least not in an MMO. So people felt that Blizz backed out on what they said regarding the duration of pre-patch.


Can’t argue with delusion. You are too far gone.

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If you can’t get to 58 in 2 weeks you aren’t going to be tbc endgame material. Getting the rep for the heroic keys to gear and getting attuned to Kara will take a lot more time then level to 58. So for those people it doesn’t realy matter imo, they will be late to the party no matter what

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TBH I wouldn’t go as far as to say that one is not “end game material” if they can’t level to 60 in two weeks. And there will always be casual guilds, not to mention rerolling characters or alts that will need to get rep etc, so there will always be someone to play end game with. My guild for example regularly does catch-up stuff for new 60s, even to this day.

Unless you’re going for a more hardcore playstyle of course, in which case your statement rings true.

True but for those people it doesn’t matter the prepatch only lasts 2 weeks, you could make it last 2 months and some people would still not be 58 with their belf or dranni

No. 80% wants to farm honor and marks

You seem to believe I’m here to debate and/or humour your callous opinion.
You are very much mistaken.
On multiple fronts.

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Speak for yourself.

Summer for my country starts at June 1st and ends at August 30th as is with all seasons.

Ah yes, … Unless you can actually play 8-12hrs a day, but here’s a fun fact for ya. No one with a job, waifu and children or a combination of these can play this amount, 2 weeks is actually not enough time. It’s math, you should try it.

See here’s the thing. The vast number of people is not a no life person. We have jobs. We have partners. Some have kids.

This doesn’t affect me, I have time off, but many people don’t. Heck, out of 30 people in my guild, I’m the only one with time off - everyone else is stuck with an extended weekend at launch.

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