Only starsurge got nerfed lmao

Starsurge definitely deserved a nerf although it was a bit extreme. 25% would be fine along with the spellpower fix. How come other broken classes haven’t been adressed yet?

-Rogues: Every braindead monkey playing rogue does insane damage with mutilate. You are literally 40% hp in a cheap shot.

-Hunters: Pets are broken beyond any imagination. I love how people cried about starsurge but pets are doing 500-600 damage depending on crits literally in 1 sec with auto and special attack.

-Shadow priests: Shadow priests have to do some kind of build up before their mind blast SWD combo, so it’s not that busted. But apart from that, doing 700-800 mindblast into 800+ SWP doesn’t sound that balanced.

Anyway, i understand that the majority of the Classic community is completely clueless and thought that starsurge was the biggest offender. Nerf was rightfully deserved but it’s mindblowing that other broken classes haven’t been adressed. I guess crybabies will fix that soon too.


Because its coming?

It needed a nerf in pvp and thats what happened, in PvP they doing just fine and it seems they havent lost any dps there.

But using SWD wrong will get yourself in problem aswell and due to the build up you can counter it with stuns, silence, interrupts and then kill the priest.

I guess you are one of them?

I’m not sure if you are unable to read plain english or just extremely stupid, but i’ll explain it to you like i would to a child. Starsurge was an obvious problem like the other spells i listed, that’s why i’m surprised they only adressed that. They could nerf starsurge when they tuned other classes too.

As for SWD, i already said it’s not that busted but you get no damage back if you kill the target which happens quite often when your burst is 1.5k on top of 2 dots ticking. I’m guessing you are not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?

Lastly, i didn’t cry for anything. I play boomie and like i said the nerf was well deserved. I just pointed out other obvious out of line classes. Any other braindead comments?

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Due to the monkey comment I am not supriced with the personal attacks right away, I wonder why this forum do not have a age limit to write in :joy:

Well you enjoy your life if you cannot have a discussion like normal people.

You are not a normal person. You made no arguments at all and you assumed i was crying about something that obviously i’m not. Toddlers like you get toddler treatment. Not sure why you act surprised.


Be grateful, they don’t nerf Starsurge like Explosive shot in P1, it’s still usefull unlike ES.

Wrong! They lost dmg in pve and actually go oom pretty fast. SS needed nerf for sure… just the compensation ability of choice is the wrong one. Starfire is bad and giga clunky, i dont see a reason why balance druid should exist in any raid instead of 1 more fire mage , shadow priest or a warlock at ALL.

  • Mediocre boss dmg
  • Super bad aoe ( 1 spell on 1 min cd that does 70 dmg per mob)
  • Actually goes oom while doing 3 x less than a mage or warlock and use innervete for himself and not raid members.
    Why do u need this thing again ?

I dont understand how Blizz is taking such a move, nerf the SS, which was necessary to a degree, but not fixing the rune u need to use Starfire… how can this happen?!

Also the animation of Starsurge is edited by moderator and literally destroys the fun. The Sounds of Eclipse are also edited by moderator… constantly listenig to it during a fight.

Pls Blizzard, we need a hotfix. Not in a week, but this week!

What’s with this whataboutism attitude? That was a first step against broken specs that ruined the experience. Balance was there from p1. Whole metas based one a spec that a “monkey” -as you said- can play. They even had assist macros and pressed two buttons in wsg. Not even manual targeting. What are you taking about. Balance and priest destroyed everything. They nerfed their penance already and will most probably nerf shadow next. Stop attacking to people. You had it your way for months. Like no other spec.

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Druid tears are too cute. You are fine, just seen a 4 boomy, 1 priest 5 man tear up in STV just controlling a hand in altar for 30 minutes without having to respawn once.

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Another case of a monkey with tik tok brain, unable to understand plain english. Never complainted about the nerf, never said that boomies weren’t fine. I said that other broken classes needed to be adressed along with druid. Are you that stupid?

And they will be adressed. But starsurge was the most pressing one, since it has been left unchecked all through p1 as well. While hunters had explosive shot gutted not even a full day into phase 1.

Melee hunter will get nerfed. Shadow priest will get nerfed. More class balancing is coming. So save your tik tok insults and play the game.

I am playing the game and i am enjoying it. Your tik tok brain continues to not understand what my statement was. If you want to tune broken classes and abilities, you should adress all the obvious at once and not just druids. Hunter pets are just broken as starsurge. So are the other examples i gave. Proceed to amuse me with your idiotic answer.

yup lost half our dps in one patch and now it’s unplayable in both pve/pvp , P3 waiting room i guess.

The level of comprehesion of plain english is concerning in these forums. I said starsurge nerf was needed and deserved, that doesn’t mean there are not other broken abilities and classes that need to adressed ASAP. Learn to read amigo, it’s not that hard

I guess you werent on here crying when they nerfed hunters in P1 saying please include starsurge too so we do all classes at once?

Ur mad ur 1 trick win fight button got removed, and hides behind “oh ye it totally needed nerfed, but heres 28 paragraphs whats wrong with the nerf.”

As I said, ALL classes currently overpreforming will be tuned this week, starsurge was the most pressing one so they rolled that out in advance.

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Your level of stupidity is truly amazing. Where’s the 28 paragraphs saying what’s wrong with nerf? Are you a complete mongo?

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Grabs popcorn: cry about it

How long do the boss fight last in gnomeregan? Not that long right? I have done it myself.

Now we dont have a balance druid with us, but we both pots and innervate (if not saved for a healer) should be plenty for the fights.
Oomking have never had any good aoe in Vanilla before, but I know thats a comment ppl get triggered about, so lets w8, maybe in P3 they get better AoE.

I dont get triggered simply because i dont think a hybrid class should excel in everything , it was just one of the points i mentioned . Single boss meh , aoe also meh … healing … kinda MEH :slight_smile: ofc every mongo can press wild growth and spam wrath and i call that MEH. I dont blame anyone but devs anyway for their season of wild growth or ss and nothing else.
Btw ppl are not triggered because they dont do good aoe, but the whole "never was " justification in a season where it is supposed to be different is kinda MEH ye ? :slight_smile: