OOM, Drink, repeat

It’s not dichotomy.
You’re using fallacious thinking.

It’s not either x or y. You can have fast paced meta that doesn’t go into dampening and where healers can use utility and mana to heal.

Problem is they nerfed mana for healers but hybrid dps are still as ridiculous as ever. DPS like Paladins healing upwards of 300k, same to Shams, Monks, Druids, Priests. If healers need to pay attention to their resources so should dps. Most DPS abilities don’t cost anything and the ones that do cost a different resource to healing.

DPS are just pumping out damage, running behind pillar healing to full, then coming back and pumping out more damage. If they spend all their resources healing they should take a significant drop in their damage output.

Remember the good old days when DPS would over heal and have no mana left to cast offensive abilities?

It’s only shadow priest, ret, and to a lesser extent elemental that can heal a lot with good mana regen. Shadow priest is quite ridiculous after dispell buff.

Feral has infinite full HP resets.

feralol why are u complaining about the melee spec that is only above frost dk? Feral and enhancement are the weakest viable specs.

The mana regen got nerfed on feral u can either heal or cyclone. Mana bar is worthless too, full mana bar does not heal to full, same with boomy.

True in 3v3 they arent great but in 2v2 their ability to reset can be super annoying. If you ever find yourself in a 2’s 1v1 situation with a feral you have undoubtably lost. Same for world PvP, absolutely unbeatable.

In a sense I agree with you, I’d much rather feral was more revelvant in teamplay and there 1v1 toned down.

But this is getting off topic. Hybrid offhealing is still way too high.

You know it’s pretty much guaranteed that they will nerf purging before they do anything to disc. Just compare the mana buffs between disc and rdruids.

Roll disc and you realise how great tankform together with kiting is, see, the thing is that you don’t just have tankform and broken traits, you also have great kiting.

Nothing broken about resto druid traits.

Only if you are terrible at maths.

“ReStO DrUiD TraITs aRE bROkeN. I know elementary school math I’m so smart.”

Must be the reason rdruids running 2 or 3 generic defensive traits in finals on tourny past days instead of druid ones.

That is because of balance. And this explains pruning and changes. People remember hybrid specs fondly back in the day but it was so hard to balance and people still found out the best trees anyway. It’s easier for Blizzard to make arena feel more like “rock/paper/scissor” and at the same time lessen the outplay moments. Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the greater good. Like it or not. But It’s not the end of the world.

Uuuuh, no. Pruning was done for PvE, and not for the sake of “balance” but because they wanted the UI to feel “less overwhelming” for that good ol’ casual folk.

That was their “official” explanation.

No, it’s “the” explanation. They design PvP to not be too different from PvE on purpose too, so when PvE undergoes big changes, then so does PvP in order to match it. They do it like that because it’s supposed to feel like playing the same character. But of course, the hipocrisy of them saying one thing and doing another makes itself evident with the changes they do make, so it’s more an excuse for just not doing more.

Just because of my curiosity I checked you on check-pvp and you didn’t push even 10 rating on any of your chars during last few days. If you’d spend that time playing instead of typing these nonsenses on forums 24 hours a day you’d be gladiator already.

I am all for Manamanagement and all that. But it doesn’t work with the current verson of the game. It is not only that Class Desidng is totally different to TBC or WotlK etc. one of the biggest factors why Manamanagement back in the days was a thing. Is that you had tools to drain mana (WL, Priest, Hunter etc.) Dispell had no cooldown. It was managed through mana itself. But one thing that many do not remember, DPS classes also had to manage mana or health when you were a WL, sure. Today, dps classes run around with no mana at all, WL or Mages do not have any ressources any more to manage. Maybe arcane Mage, thats it. All have nothing or energy/rage like ressources that do not deplete. Back then, there were rogues and warriors that rage/energy. All others had to manage mana.
I remember my 2v2 games vs warrior rdruid, me as Shadow + rogue. VERY often it was a race about druids mana an mine as a shadow.

Now imagine, me as shadow had infinite ressource (insanity) back then. The rdruid would lose because he WILL go oom and me not.

Heck as a WL I even drainmana other Warlocks so he had to lifetap every GCD and could not do anything else… lol.

Today we just run in, spam our PVE dps rotations and wait until someone wants to drink or is oom so we can kill… oh wait, dampening not on 50% so nvm can not kill anyone even tho the healer is oom…

Remove dampening - reduce overall healing… bring back resilience. Seriously.

And you don’t so… yeah. :slight_smile:

Perhaps it has to do with the major traits?
I don’t know since I don’t care about theory crafting for classes I don’t play, but at the same time I wouldn’t count on you to know details of it, considering the gold nuggets you have shared in the past. :>

The trait is still broken. No matter what you think and what tournament players chose.

Consistently posting biasied clueless nonsense.

The only trait which is somewhat broken is the swiftmend one since it counts towards mastery, paired with the 2xswiftmend talent.

Which gets purged. Healing from it is not that strong post 50% trait nerf but very good due to mastery.