Oondasta taming

I never get it why they set bosses tameable first place. there is allready world full of creatures they could have just give hunters chance to train pets or something similiar how they worked Animal taming skill in UO. No need make everything so powerfull though but Its fun to do there If you play tamer what would be close hunter in wow

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Mental image of some poor hunter asking for permission from all the 70 people who abuse realm-hopping to come to the hunter’s empty server. And he has to wait every time even 1 person says “no”. But then all those people log on their 20 alts all parked next to Oondasta…

Fast forward 5 years later, hunter still sitting there, waiting for an entire realm’s population, all their alts, realm-hoppers and their alts to ALL get what they want. Meanwhile new players start and they want to kill it too.

The hunter isn’t unreasonable for not wanting to go through this.


When the 9.1 patch reset goes lives and they remove the world boss*

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Trouble is that because these WB have strict respawn times, there isn’t an opportunity specifically for Hunters to tame them (if they want to).

NOW… if the Boss in question was to have a shorter respawn after a Hunter tame, would that be a compromise?

BFA has tons of armored tameable t-rex variants, so it would be nicer of hunters went for those instead.

it’s not like there are unique hunter pets with unique skills anymore, this is retail WoW where the only difference is a slight color change. You can’t change the pets spec, you can’t feed it, they all share the same pet family’s skills.

Some hunters may however favour Ooondastas unique model. And the world boss is fair game for everyone. However, as suggested above, it would be nice to spawn some baby oondastas next to the boss and make oondasta non tameable if they want to fix it.

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Sadly none of those are actually tameable, according to petopia at least. The only armoured devilsaur besides Oondasta is Thok and he looks very different and not as cool imo.

There’s an undead version with some gold as well but again that’s a very different skin.

Gonna tame him later today and ngl I hope someone is around to see me make a new friend and run off in camouflage.

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