Opening caves on Siren Isle

Sometimes i wonder if people even think sometimes.
People opening two or 3 caves at the same time? Result: everyone runs at a different cave and when that one is finished, the others too ofc.
Then they’re all on cooldown.

Well, get the gems in an hour or two then just buy and send to alts through the bank or mail. It’s just that people want different things so they’ll all just look after their own reward rather than care about the others. Just get in, get the gem, get out basically


Got those. Its for farming the Anniversary Coins.

Ooh, I see. Well, what I said applies regardless. People want their gems :frowning:

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Just spam TW dungeons? 2 per dungeon, a dungeon takes 5 minutes tops. Or the BRD raid, 3 per boss I think?

I know, but in Siren’s caves it (could be) much faster. It takes 2 minutes to kill a mob, then to the next cave and so on.
If only…

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They think" I have the other two caves already and only need this one, So I´ll start it"

What they don´t think is “I’ll just sit here and completely waste 5 minutes of my life doing nothing, because somebody who´s existence I´m not even aware of might complain on the forums about a repeatable activity not starting when he wants it to” :beers:


That would be correct if someone not farming coins would be interested in throwing away ‘money’ for opening 3 caves.

Atm. onlly people farming the caves do so. And they were opening them all the same tima.

3 assumptions are required for that to be true, and I woudln´t be so sure that they are themselves true…

  1. It assumes that people care about “saving up” a currency that is ridiculously plentiful to begin with… I have litearlly tens of thousands of Flame-iron and don´t care about he mogs… and if it were to ever run dry, you do one daily and you´ve got enough to open all 3 caves and then some.
  2. It assumes that everybody not actively farming them aimply ignores the caves, even though they are the chillest (though not absolute fastest) way to smash out the weekly quest.
  3. It assumes that nobody that 1 and /or 2 applies to has alts and /or they always smash it all out early in the reset, instead of spreading their playtime over multiple days. Case in point, I was literally opening caves to get last weeks weekly done on my Monk before the reset roughly 20 minutes before you created the thread, which is the only reason it caught my eye in the first place.

So, short of starting some sort game-wide education campaign that aomehow reaches more people than the 5-10% of the playerbase that actually use the forums, you may simply have to accept that not everybody plays the game the same way you do. :beers:

Anyway, it doesnt matter anymore. Yesterday, I had the help of a guildie who had time to burn. He sat at the table and unlocked a new cave everytime a formered opened.
We had a good group killing fastly.
Result: a cave done every 3 minutes or so. Got 100 Aniversary coins in a couple of hours. Just what I needed for the last mount.

And for the ‘normal’ Siren Isles coins, I have plenty of them too. As well as 5 bags full of epic drops. :grinning:


Gz on your mount. Glad you made it.
I had the event under wraps on week 4 I think with all the bronze being thrown around.
But quit a few people just pop in hand in and go do other stuff :man_shrugging:t3: flameblessed iron is indeed easy to get
I do love my surfboard and summer mog though. :grimacing:

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Yeah, I literally have an entire warbank tab filled with nothing but siren isles drops, at this point I´m just blindly disenchanting them unless it´s like a trinket that sounns interesting for Twink 23-Z :rofl:

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I did some caves yesterday for a few remaining sets and it seems that the epic gear drop rate from chests is severely reduced.

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