Because? I’m following the forum rules.
I don’t report people because I don’t like them. I do it when their posts are clearly breaking the rules. Consequences.
Just this post makes me happy I won’t ever discuss anything with you anymore you just want everything to be faceroll and time spent = quality of rewards… I wonder when the guy who does pet batles 8 hours a day gets better gear than you since he spents more time (effort) into this game than you or anybody else does! Right?! That’s your logic.
Exactly, that’s why I always mention the God of War games. The extra rewards you get for hard and super hard (Zeus can 2-shot you). Can go play super easy or easy but all you get is a message to play it on a more difficult level. Atleast normal where you can unlock your first few extra costumes. The game encourages you to replay it for more rewards, not hidden behind effort/time spent or RNG but pure learning how to do and be better at the game. Heck the game taunted you in a sense if you died alot, but dying on the hardest difficulty was a learning curve. Since abilities I ignored on hard did alot of damage on super hard so the game made sure to force me to use golden fleece to parry and block attacks instead. Or atleast dodge them or interrupt their attacks (non-boss only)!
You’re right it’s easy to find Tahara… Just look for any thread willing to cap TF or asking for more harder content.
Ontopic, keep it mythic only. They should have done the same for the Karazhan dungeon in Legion. These are mini-raids and shouldn’t be split into smaller dungeons for dungeon finder.
Rumours say, Tahra reported Bwonsamdi for mocking after he died.
No, not right. That’s how YOU think my logic works and I’m sorry to say; you’re wrong.
Well, imo that sounds horrible. I’d be pissed off if I finished a game and it taunted me for not playing it on a higher difficulty. Seriously; that’s some huge disrespect shown by the devs to the people who bought their game.
It’s FINE if you and others like it hard, but you CANNOT force EVERYONE to play like that in a game like WoW. The playerbase is too varied for that.
And having Mechagon at a lower difficulty doesn’t take anything away from the people who want it hard; they can still do it at their preferred level.
Learn my name please.
Yes because unfortunately there’s way too many shortsighted people amongst the posters on this forum who just ask for the removal of things they don’t like instead of thinking of solutions or replacements.
They WILL add an heroic version; they’ve already said so. It will just be insultingly too late. I don’t want ‘table scraps’ content. I want content when the storyline is current. Not after the fact.
Why do you want to keep this content mythic only? There is no good reason to keep it mythic only. None. Only selfish ones. So please explain it to me how/why that’s a good idea.
When they add the heroic version, you won’t have to touch it. Ever. So I really don’t get people like you.
So because the trash is hard and you couldnt even make it to the first boss before you all fell apart the dungeon is boring? Very typical i must say…
The trash is not hard lmao. They’re just braindead bullet sponges, which is boring as hell. I’d rather do regular mythic+ because I might get something there that’s useful there. No I left after 3rd boss, it was way to boring trash takes forever to kill rewards are simply not worth it, I’m not considering anything sub 430 to be a reward for me.
Okay i wont say i dont understand that but for many people, like me, the rewards dont matter, i mean i think my ilvl shows there wont be much needed items dropping for me there but because many people just really love the dungeon, we enjoy running it every week
Mythic only makes this dungeon exclusive and unique which a lot people loved back in old times. I know people who quit because they just can’t stand having 100 difficulties of the same dungeon/raid.
C’mon, it’s only ONE dungeon you will only do once. You can try to do it once with premade groups for story and then ignore its existence. If you want story so much then just watch YT or read Wowwiki - tbh except for obvious killing king Mechagon, there is no much lore.
“it will just be insultingly too late”
Also the storyline content is current, you just choose to not do it and thats entirely up to you but you cant say you cant do it because the content is there…
/10 char
Mechagon sounds great as a concept but a 3 hour (ish) run end to end is off putting. Can’t recall the last time I’d 3 hours spare with zero distractions. At least with raids you can do a bit, park it and return the next day etc. That of course wouldn’t work so well for pugs really.
Nopt having the HC version available is definitely a bit baffling though. If it were something unconnected to the main storyline I’d get that the uniqueness would give some kudos to those that run it (sidenote, autocorrect really wants kudos to be judos which amuses me) but given the Mechagon area questline story leads to it then it really should be available in other formats. At least while the storyline/plot is still current. Having it as HC further down the road will just make it even harder to get groups as few will have a want/need to do it as other story content will likely be underway.
Goin back to the OP. That sounds like a great group and does remind me of raiding with friends years back, none of whom considered themselves as raiders. Have a crack at it and hope for the best approach with no whining or drama. I spent my youth pumping coins into arcade machines each time your char died so at least we don’t have to do that sort of thing with WoW!
I missed it because I was raiding. Next time I’ll come along. What a shame.
I respect that! I live for rewards
And which a lot of people DIDN’T like. So what makes these people right and the others wrong? They shouldn’t be given content at the expense of others.
I know people who quit because of various silly reasons. It happens.
No. I am NOT watching it on YT. I’m paying to play this game. But I’m not paying to play this game in a way that I don’t enjoy, because games are meant to be played for fun. For enjoyment.
So when that choice is not given when normally it is, I get pissed off. Of course I do.
It’s not about how much lore content there is or isn’t. It’s about the principle of the thing. They’re keeping a substantial part of their playerbase from enjoying the content they made. And when they finally DO release a playable version for people like me, most will have moved on to ACTUAL new content and won’t care anymore about Mechagon and the boss we had to kill 3-6 months ago.
There’s NO NEED to make it mythic only. Really there’s not. It being exclusive is simply not a good a reason. It’s a selfish reason. It’s an elitist reason. It’s a BAD reason (yes all of that is IMO, of course).
Anyway, I will wait for the heroic version, but until then I WILL complain about it whenever I get the chance, because I really believe it’s an injustice to a large part of the playerbase.
What if they announced in the next patch that they’re releasing a dungeon that’s only normal difficulty. No heroic, no mythic. I’m fairly sure there’d be plenty of people up in arms about that decision. So why is the opposite an acceptable thing then? Exactly; it isn’t.
What if they announced in the next patch that they’re releasing a dungeon that’s only normal difficulty.
Then i would go and solo it to make it fun for myself instead of whine about it on the forums, problem solved.
Mecha is worth running even without loot for essence collectors, chance of TF and its fun. I have hardmode a go this week which was cool. In hindsight I started our group way too late in the day to make a reasonable go of it, so we didn’t pass it in one sitting, but the fun was in the challenge of the encounters.
Just a scramble to make sure my normal is done before tomorrow now! Want those essence components!
Just look for chill folks, they exist. Not everyone who runs Mecha insist on 425s (reaaaaaally?). There are plenty of ppl who like myself will take on firstimers and explain tactics. All I ask is that ppl don’t leave halfway through as it can be difficult to get people to finish a run that isn’t clean. This is my issue this week given my hardmode now normal is starting boss 4.
It was fun while it lasted though, we should be able to do it i think
HMm i did it 3 times and don’t want to go again maybe when blizz introduces mythic + version!
Sure, so every dungeon and raid is now on 4 difficulties except this one. Blizzard gave us something with old times’ taste (which A LOT people confirms) and I really like it. They did good job. I wish there was more exclusive semihard content like Return to Karazhan and O:Mechagon.
Then you limit yourself.
And I don’t enjoy in WoW professions (why it so hard to make them interesting like in TBC or WotLK?), raids (only reason they are still somehow fun to me are people on Discord, every boss and their mothers warns you before they cast ANYTHING, boring), WQs (why there are no Elite Quests? I want to spend my time doing emissaries on HARD world quests which count as 2 WQs), leveling (why this game after 15 years STILL BASE ON DUMB BRING/KILL X TYPE QUESTS? Didn’t they play Witcher 3 or any other GOOD RPG?)…
I got ONE, literally ONE thing that I really enjoy doing since this dungeon is amazing and its creators deserve promotion. The fact that is has only 1 difficulty and you have to make group manualy is key to make it unique and exclusive and most imporant - with identity. Most dungeons, raids and items have 0 identity since you have multiple versions of them.
That’s my opinion. Kudos for Blizzard for Operation:Mechagon, you did very well.
If you dont wanna go you dont go and thats fine, im just arguing the point of people saying they dont want to do the content because its mythic only while there are many ways to do it even when you’re normally just too casual to do it