yeah that is some bull**** excuse by noobs!
Aye need more Dps methinks. I’ll have r3 flame next time which gives a little bump to my own, especially on bosses.
OT: by the time mecha is in DF we’ll probably have another item tier upgrade I imagine. Which means realistically the “heroic” version of the dungeon will be no different in terms of difficulty to the current mythic version given the ilevel jumps, assuming blizz bump mechas ilevel along with other dungeons.
This means that to wait to do it on heroic, is simply akin to waiting for an “automatic” party to do it. Unless they butcher the bosses, the difficulty won’t be any different, it will play exactly the same.
Waiting that long just so you can auto party rather than just search GF and find one is pretty bizarre in my opinion. Entry to mecha is nowhere near as exclusive as the mythic+ scene by a long shot, plenty of casual groups are made for it. You can even join communities that specifically have a more casual approach to dungeons and run it that way.
But at the end of the day, if you don’t want to do that because of some principle against using the GF because it’s “exclusive”, that’s up to you. All Im saying is this idea that mechagon is some pro boys club that general players can’t enter is absolute balony. If you’ve got the ilevel for it, you can easily find a group for it.
The “mythic” label attached to it is largely meaningless anyway as it has no comparative difficulties it’s just to signal that in terms of difficulty it is along the same lines as mythic dungeons. But its not the same as them because there’s no timer, no affixes etc.
If difficulty is the issue then as said earlier, I doubt that will change as when it enters Df we’ll likely have an ilevel jump which means heroics jump to 415, which is what mechagon currently sits at anyway. It will probably be split into two parts, but it’s doubtful they’ll change any mechanics to distinguish it from the mythic version because by that point the mythic version will have mythic+affixes to distinguish it already.
because dungeons should be challenging content for groupplay =) That was and will always be the purpose of dungeon
The only thing that stops you from doing mechagon is yourself.
I also dont come and complain about your petbattles because i need to collect and grind lvls on different pets to have a chance.
Thanks god they didnt gut this dungeon again to levels where people like you who refuse to press more than 1button can faceroll it so casuals who cant commit to raiding/dont like m+ pressure also have challenging, fun content to do.
And yes offering normal/hc is watering down the difficulty because you already see the place and it loses all its magic when you just faceroll over it.
Can just hope classic will succeed so they might add more of this kind of long and base difficult dungeons again.
If this is seriously true and not just some hyperbole… Why for goodness sake are you still subbed? If there was 1 thing I only liked in a game, I wouldn’t be playing it. What’s your justification for this?
That’s cool for you. I’m not happy, so I will keep complaining.
The best option is choice imo. Always. Yes, you SHOULD have the choice to do world content in a more difficult way if you want. A toggle or ingame choice/trigger to activate such a mode.
So go ask Blizzard for that; mythic mode WQs. A way for you to enjoy other parts of the game the way YOU like it. Instead of wanting content all to yourself without thinking of anyone else.
For you.
For me they serve an entirely different purpose. Difficulty will never be a purpose for me in any game I play. It’s not why I enjoy games.
Nope. If it was heroic, I would have done it already.
So clearly there is a barrier. And that barrier is NOT BEING GIVEN THE CHOICE to run the dungeon the way I LIKE IT. Unacceptable.
What makes you think I play pet battles?
YOU <---- do not have to go there. YOU <---- can just do mythic.
So shortsighted and selfish.
“That’s cool for you. I’m not happy, so I will keep complaining.”. (dunno how to quote on phone)
And you are asking other people why they are still playing this game? Literally all you do is complain complain complain, isnt it time you follow your own advice and look for another game, its a bit hypocritical of you to ask others why they are still playing while doing nothing else than complain.
Yes, someone who said there is LITERALLY only 1 thing he enjoys in this game. My question is totally justified.
I like many aspects of this game. I don’t like SOME things. And yes, I feel strongly about THOSE things so I defend my viewpoints on this forum. Doesn’t mean I don’t like the game overal. Why is that so hard to understand?
Hyperbole. That is not what I LITERALLY do.
Explained it above. It’s pretty simple. And I don’t ‘do nothing else but complain’, so that part of your argument is null and void.
Give up mate. It leads to nowhere as you can see ;p Have a nice day
Yeah i think so, these kind of people just dont ever see anything wrong with their own views and need to resort to petty replies when someone replies to them, its sad to see but hey we cant do anything about it.
Oh and you have a nice day too!
Selfish is crying to dumb down the whole game for you
Dungeon have this purpose and always had. And yes lower difficulty make even the basic difficulty boring because you already saw the dungeon and 1shoted everything on lower difficulties.
Its just not the same feeling when you enter a dungeon on mythic you already rolled through while tabbed out of the game during lvl phase.
Na the barrier is youself the selfish prick who doesnt want to do group content the way its meant to be.
you can do your petbattles, wq and spam forums and leave us with good content. theres enough content for people who are not willing to press more than 1button in the game already and are anti social they cant make a dungeon group
I meant you’re doing a good job at assassinating your own character, mostly you do this by claiming the victim and accusing others of trolling or offensive behaviour when they disagree with you and liken your ideas to equity which honestly they’re not entirely wrong.
Most of the times I’ve seen you escalate it by interpreting something as an attack which makes the other side often go in full defense and boom that’s where most of the escalation with you comes from.
Maybe it’s not everybody else
You care too much
That remark doesn’t even make sense.
I’m not asking to dumb it down.
No. For YOU they do. That’s not a universal thing. Stop thinking it is.
Tadaaaaa. Solved.
You already said that and I ask for proof and you just repeat yourself.
Your opinion isn’t proof. It’s just that; your opinion.
So I’ll just take this to mean you don’t have proof. Just calling someone out on lies and such is not how you treat people. Is that how you treat people in your everyday life too?
I don’t pretend anything. If someone is abusive, I will call them out on it.
The fact that you might agree with them, doesn’t make it okay to be abusive, ridiculing, rude etc. It just doesn’t.
I thought you interpreted the comment as you doing this to others because I had a hard time understanding that this question came from the proper interpretation of my comment.
If you cannot admit or see how antagonistic you are yourself then honestly at this point I cannot believe anything other then; you’re doing this intentionally.
Your method of arguementation is very reminiscant of overly political (borderline radical) people, basically a bait and switch with passive agressive comments to provoke a less passive response and go WhaATt!? afterwards.
You dish out snarky comments but call for reports when people actually respond to it and when you read back to yourself what you’re doing you make it sound like you’re standing up for yourself against the big bad but really you’re just saying ‘reported’ to people who point you out on your hipocricy and feigned innocence
Again, maybe it’s not everybody else, but that’s hardly ever the case for anything or anyone
But you ask for. you want group content to be doable while being tabbed out why dont you go do the content meant for people like you?wq, rep grind, pet battles? stuff 2 expansions ago?
And the easier solution is for you to wait until you can do it with eyes closed.
Not my problem you dont understand the logic of dungeon and group.
no wonder you want it dumbed down so you can do dungeon and spam forum at the same time
So basically someone said they and their group really enjoyed a dungeon, other people agreed. But someone else said they’d hate it, would rage quit and want it changed?
There are other options for you to play, you don’t have to choose this one. You do have a choice. Now people who enjoy alternative content to yourself have a choice too.
Do the many aspects of the game you enjoy and leave content you don’t like to people who do? Not every part of a game can please everyone.
I’m playing WoD on my own at level 110 and having a blast, I wouldn’t ask for everything else to be changed to suit me lol.
I’m very tempted to buy bfa and try this mechagon though. Would I have time to level and gear for it, or will it be gone by the time I get there?
I believe that some people don’t agree with me to such a degree where they start making it into a personal vendetta. That’s what I believe.
I’m not antagonistic. I voice my opinions and when I’m personally ‘attacked’, insulted, ridiculed etc; I defend myself.
That’s not what’s happening in reality. I’m afraid you’re imagining things mate.
Again; that’s your interpretation of what’s happening, but that’s not the reality.
Yes sometimes I might be a bit ‘come offish’, yes maybe even snarky, but I don’t start out personally attacking others (at least I don’t aim to, I might have at some point in time; everyone has their bad days).
There’s a big difference between ‘a bit snarky’ and downright abusive. Which is what I get flung my way more times than I care to count and if you try and deny THAT, then I’m done with this whole discussion.
Of course it’s not EVERYBODY else. Just a select few posters. I see the same names over and over. So yeah, not everybody by a long shot.
It’s quite frankly insulting you say such things.
I want to run the content. But NOT on mythic. I don’t want to leech. I don’t want to afk. I just want to run the content in a way that I enjoy. That. Is. All.
Dungeons are also meant for ‘people like me’. Dungeons are meant for everyone.
So exceptions to the rule are bad. EVERY dungeons should be for EVERYONE.
Stop your insults man.
Just because I don’t like it on mythic difficulty doesn’t mean I don’t want ANY difficulty. Stop looking down on people who like their content differently than you.
You apparently don’t understand it yourself or you’re too self-absorbed to understand that not everyone enjoys playing the game the way you do.
More insults. Good job.
And so do we. But the problem is that we want to experience things like O:Mechagon. Every other dungeon in bfa operates the way that you want it and honestly I don’t like any of them. All of the bfa dungeon are boring, none of them feel like you are adventuring into a dungeon full of dangers and treasures like many want to.
Of course not everybody wants that. Some people just want to rush through and get the reward, which is fine. In that case there are several other dungeons for you to go to.
We only have Mechagon for that experience. And yes having an easy mode for it would ruin the adventuring side of it. It’s not a point of just not running the easier mode. Can you really not let people have one dungeon like that?