Opinion: rIO score

Probably kind of tank that yells in levelling dungeons too and ninjapulls on their mage alt.

It is just type of player.


Actually, they do the opposite. If someone needs to learn the game or learn about particular instances, the best way to do that is to run instances in a setting that allows for mistakes. Low M+ keys allow for mistakes and learning. So if a person is new-ish or still learning for whatever reason and they have a low score, I don’t see an issue in them having to run a bunch of lower keys to build up score, learning along the way, rather than being instantly admitted to double-digit keys that they might flat out ruin by their lack of knowledge and experience with the instance mechanics.

If you want to look for an issue with the current environment, it definetly isn’t new players or players that are still learning, if anything, it’s returning players that are knowledgable about the game and have no problem running the instances, but might have skipped a season or two, maybe switching characters in the process - it is frustrating having to do +8s and +9s, sometimes flat out carrying the runs, for weeks while being a veteran perfectly capable of doing +12s or +15s. Yes, technically rio is supposed to show a ‘main score’ and score from a previous season, but that doesn’t always line up and isn’t always considered by the playerbase even when it does.

one can do all+9 (also good for farming pre-hc gear) u get near 1k.
doing 12-13s should get u to 1400, completing all 15s in time lands u on 2k.

low, high average will always be perceptual, i just pick acordingly to the key lvl

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number i’d call high is like 3k rn, but even that is somewhat medium. 3.3k maybe.
being able to press their interupt/CC button when needed, knowing dungeon mechanics, and doing the damage they’re supposed to do for that level of key.

it really isnt much, but yeah some creatures fail to do that much

I consider it rather useless.

Lots of people being boosted, others carried, some scores are dragged down by someone else’s incompetence, and all that. Besides, I only want my weekly +15 to be done. I don’t want to slay dragons all day and nerd over a PvE rating.

with this season, high begins at 3.5k+ for me.

Medium is 2.6-3k for me tbh, considering how easy it is to get above 2k now.

Thanks for your replies.
As for me, this season I consider ‘High’ 2.5k+; medium 1.5K+.

I think instead you should categorise people with : those who do weekly, those who push and aim higher. And then there’s this “I want to do achievement/R4 essence, and then i am done” crowd.

Most of that 15s people can likely do 17-18s and some of that crowd can do 20s. But they have goal of 15s.

Then there are people, who gear, and try to get that 15, but they take a lot of more time to get there.

The raw number is hardly showing much about player and their actual capabilities. But the number shows what they have done, but tells little else.

Never use it, will never use it. Oh and forget to mention I never do Mythic +. Promoting the whole go, go, go ethos is completely not what Wow is about, and only belongs in the E-Sports environment and that’s where it should stay.


That’s right. New players can do +5 instead of tagging +12 without knowledge so both sides avoid frustration : Noobs don’t get flamed and key owner avoid a leaver.

Now, the key issue here is the community that tunnels on the score, instead of checking if X player has done that key in a good level. I don’t like Rio because it forces people to grind dungeons they don’t like/need. So instead, a rio score per dungeon is a good fix.

That’s a good advise.
I find easier to categorized people by score because I cannot know a player goals.
I usually do +14 weekly, if I have the opportunity to do a +15 I’m more than willing to try out.
I don’t write ‘Push’ on my keys description unless is a low key.

I wanted to asked other people opinions because I not interested in finding players who have more expectations than I have.
Probably my mindset is wrong but if I see a player with 2k score queueing for my +14 I’m most certain he/she wants to push the key without any troubles.

Don’t get me wrong, if I can timed a +15 that’s good, but I’m definitely not the perfect player.
I try do select players who are in my category although I agree is not the best criteria since you can find excellent players (above my skill-level), dreadful players and fine players.

theres groups for everyone. people just need to open their eyes

Depends on the key I am doing. It is all relative :smirk::+1:t5:
But Rio is good for the game imo. Saves time to find relatively competitive team for my key.

That’s me, sister get the camera, Azriil is talking about me

I.e. looking my characters on RIO site makes it actually pretty clear. "One 15+ since start of season- timed or not timed… one 15-16-17 a week… " now next you ponder “can she even be any good” and then look that one particular week - all 15-16-17s done in time, same week. Boosted ?

You look on group comp, and track from there and see its same guild people doing things from season to season, and when achievements are done, its similar comp on weeks following.

But the add-on does not show it, i believe. The site does. Not 100% sure how addon works, i do not have it. But i know site shows it pretty clearly. Like my DK, has done all (but one missing) dungeons this week, clearly this player is after something and that is M15 achievement.

After that you unlikely see my dk do much M+, and spend more time somewhere in visions.

Amature, always kick people who you know and helped timed your key and find new pugs, so people wouldn’t suspect your were boosted :roll_eyes:

Everybody talks about low or high rio and what not, but yall forgot that timed keys in bracket matters too.
There is huge difference if one guy with 2k timed 10 +15 keys, and other guy with 2k timed 50 +15keys, some people did all dungs in one week and have no idea what some affixes do, they expect every dungeon on certain level to be same difficulty each week, which just isnt…

To OP, about 2k is decent

Okay, 35 more runs to be in a cool boys club it is for me :unamused:

Everyone higher than me is high :smile: We are pushing pretty hard ourselves :slight_smile:

i feel happy im doing 15s achieve as blood and 460ilvl


‘laughs’ it is quite possible that some RIO hero in my realm looks my DK and snorts “boosted”, but its ok, they can duel me behind Boralus !

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