Optimalization in WoW sucks, while in Blizz other games

Even Overwatch for which i got high disgust, works far better than WoW. No lag spikes after i upgraded PC.

So fix WoW and his lag spikes, seriously it is annoying.


Just randomly? Or only when it’s busy with people? I’ve had some lag spikes in boralus after the patch. But it seems to have been fixed there. Haven’t had any issues with it since.

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Maybe because wow is 15 years old game… They should write whole new game/code for better performance… Can you imagine rewriting 15 years of code? There can be milions of lines of codes… We can be happy for this performance in 15 years old game :smiley:


actualy a lot of the lag is due to addons working and taking up bandwith what makes thing lag, all addons that does something to make things easier does this, deadly boss mod, titan panle, bigwigs and one huge culprit is the raider io addon, I had it for some time, but when I disabled it a lot of lag did dissapare.


In both cases + when i do alt + tab. I mostly got lag spikes in newer expansions zones such mentioned Boralus.

I was having freezes since 8.1.5, up to 5 secs each time.

I bought extra 8Gb of RAM and now i have a total of 16Gb RAM.
So far, no problems.

Tbh no addons i got installed.

How is your view distance? It could be an issue with loading if you have it one the highest

What’s the specs of what you’re playing on?

My spare rig has 16gb of ram and an ssd but an old i5 and r9 380.

That one doesn’t see any lag and can run the game smooth on high preset though I tend to turn shadows and other bits completely down as they serve no purpose to me.

Some of the hardware I’ve seen this game run on says the exact opposite to this post.

Guys… this game is older than my nephew. Please have respect of the ancient one!

Hey Zarweam

If you still encounter the lag spikes as mentioned, see is going through the steps listed in the World of Warcraft Performance Issues Support Article helps out. Please make sure to go through all the steps listed thoroughly, and test again afterwards.

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!

Are you sure you didn’t set your background fps to some low level?

Not sure if it is the exact same issue as yours but i had small pauses/freezes and flickering. The core engine has had some changes with regards to multi threading. This was confirmed by a blizzard employee.

In my case it was solved by changing the intel hyper threading option (in bios) to active. in the past i had it turned of for performances reasons (long story). suddenly wow didn’t work well and this helped for me. somethings making a program multi threading it doesnt make it faster. especially as the thread (not threat) management is poor.

The suggestions i had from gm’s didn’t solve it and as far as i know none of their solving guides has this (intel HT) mentioned.

btw i have an intel i7-4790k (with ssd/32gb ram)

Most likely, nothing will change (((( This topic is more than six months, and there is no answer WPvP 40x40+ lags and ppl disconect The problem exists with the Legion add-on. Blizzard is simply silent … The battle for Azeroth, the war of factions, factions cannot really fight because of lags… Good job Blizzard

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I just gived up, because you have nothing to say in that matter. Only send to faqs etc.

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