Option to hide transmog as Dracthyr

Blizzard, please please let us be able to hide transmog in our dragon form while it’s still visible in visage form!
All I want is a button in the barber shop to let us disable the visibility of shoulders, belt and/or tabard in dragon form.

I want to finally be able to wear the transmog sets I’ve put together without having to choose between looking good in visage form, looking good in dragon form, or finding an ok middleground that works for both.

Yes, I would also love full transmog in dragon form, but I realise that’s way more work to do, so that’s not happening soon. Adding this option would solve most people’s frustration with Dracthyr transmog, and would not take nearly as much time to implement. We have the technology!

So again Blizzard, please please add this option for us!

Thank you :slight_smile:


Same. The only thing that refrains me to play Evok.

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This, i want the option to hide shoulder and belt on dractyr

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