Option to view a crafters skill

I think being able to link, or possibly be able to inspect your crafting ‘tree’ would be great. A few times people have assumed I’m a scammer, or lying about a craft because of bad RNG! If only they could see that a crafter does have max equipment, certain talents and even specific points into a node for said item….

Not sure sure why it isn’t a thing? Sure you can link your proff with designs, but it doesn’t show inspiration and skill level.


Yeah, I had similar problems when ppl didn’t get the rank 5 proc after 4th-5th craft with 42% inspiration. Some even got to the point where I sent them screenshots of my profession and even shared screen to prove I wasn’t lying.

So yeah, getting that option would be really nice.

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Maybe now they’ve added things to make it harder to 100% a rank 5 on 447, they’ll allow it as it’s literally out of our hands. I now tell people to use r3 on a first craft, then if they need to recraft spam r2 as the RNGESUS can be kind or unkind, regardless of r2/3 alloys! Some take this as help, some think I’m attempting to steal their gold. Lol

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