Orc racial has to go

What? How does any alliance racial compare to hordes? Wtf hahaha

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the louder you are screaming doesnt mean you are right, Stop parse so much and actually start dueling

Also reduce 30sec saps and sheeps. Its stupidly overpowered

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he is just scared that he has to fight his own weapons and that it wont be so easy for him anymore, alliance who can will of the forsaken are a big NO NO for this guy as you see. Thats why he is trying so hard

their niche use, of course.

the ability to wipe off a bleed/poison/disease debuff on demand can be just as valuable, if not more valuable, as randomly resisting a stun can be, depending on several factors like;

are you a rogue? yes/no
do you have vanish up? yes/no
are you losing the engagement? yes/no.
are you in a situation where you need to move and you got slow poison? yes/no
are you taking heavy damage from deep wound ticks? yes/no


same goes for the other racials.
it all comes down to situational use, some will shine more than others depending on the pvp scenario.

yes and sheeps, but weird my sap always does break randomly :clown_face:

correct, objective factoids make me right.
i don’t need to raise my voice to achieve this, little guy.

I did mention sheeps lmao

He just said hes not played in weeks, and pvp is even longer. And there is a reason everyone is re-rolling horde. And everyone who wishes to pvp are horde. And everyone who tends to jump people world pvp are horde. Why? Better classes and racial’s to go with it. And potato milk hasnt played in weeks but still sits on here everyday replying to people all day everyday. So proves how much of a life he has. If everyone just ignored him he would get bored so fast

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ok? im just agreeing, are you ok? lmao

Would be nice to trade in orc commander racial for something usefull

Weird way to agree with someone “yes, and sheeps”

little guy, you play rogue.
the class designed around cowardice, cheap shots and avoiding direct confrontation and you talk about being scared to someone who plays megachad orc shaman who is the polar opposite in class design as it is the definition of confrontational and all-in tactics.

you’d have to give up your current racial to get will of the forsaken of course, other than that i don’t care.
my playstyle doesn’t revolve around having the ability to remove the opponents ability to play the game, unlike yours, little guy.

You cannot use bleed/poisons removal racials when ever you want they have cool down, horde have more than enough priests, shamans, and druids to dispell, cure. And purge things from there own team. You dont need this stuff. No talent anywhere makes you able to resist a stun or maybe even 2-4 in a row which litterally stops you from dying. You get stunned once in pvp your practically dead

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yea thats a problem, wow pvp was always about smart cc and cd use, but you just want to press 123 and resist random things, big skill here i see

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i knew your heart wasn’t in it when you first started replying to me.
foolish of me to expect a modicum of honesty in one so bereft of skill.

first off, you can’t reroll to the opposite faction unless you switch server, even if you delete all your toons, because there is a faction lock in place preventing you from doing so.
so i got you there on a technical limitation that proves what you are saying is impossible, and that is assuming you even confirmed your own BS.

secondly, both factions gank in world pvp. this includes yours.
this is a universal “problem” if you want to describe it as such, but i prefer to boil it down to pvp on a pvp server.

thirdly, the only reason i am not playing is because i’ve already achieved the maximum for the characters i play - i literally cannot get any higher than i currently am, so there is no reason for me to play.
I WISH i had a reason to play, but that would require me to be able to get above rank 7 and get gear which is better than what can be gained from ST as my shaman is fully BIS’d.
however, since the game is dead, getting a raid up and going even for ST is borderline impossible, thus i couldn’t improve on my priest’s gear even if i wanted to.

fourth; nobody is forcing any of you to interact with me, and i do not depend on your feedback in order to post on the forums nor do i need your feedback to address other OPs when they make dumb topics like this one and then demolish them with facts and objective reasoning, having the experience to back up what i say based on 20 years of experience with the game.
you can do us both a favor and ignore me hence forth if you think you got the willpower to resist addressing me, but i seriously doubt you can live up to your own words.

Only a faction lock on some servers, and ones that are not balanced and the server im on happened to be alliance dominated at the beginning because at least 1/4 of the alliance population were bots to farm gold.

Both factions do not freely world pvp, most alliance i meet, only attack horde is they attack them first. I Litterally walk past any horde anywhere and they attack me. There is people LFM for ST everyday. You choose
Bad servers my friend or are blind

didn’t take you long to go back on that “just ignore him tactic”.
you lasted a whopping 3 minutes lmao.

yes, and they are active on-demand abilities, which is the tradeoff, whereas hardiness is completely random; as in; NOT on-demand stun resistance.

that’s been the case for 20 years and it doesn’t mean you can’t stoneform out of bleeds and poisons.
btw no one can “cure” a bleed effect, which is what makes stoneform uniquely valuable.
good players know this.

hahaha that’s not how purge works.
its offensive use only, meaning it cannot be used to dispel friendly targets.
again, good players know this.

you don’t need that 12 second immunity bubble either, but here we are.

wrong again.
many classes have talents that provide extra stun resistance.
for example, orc warriors can get up to a whopping 45% stun resistance if they pick the talent for it.
priest can also get stun resistance.


not true. but keep coping and seething.

even if it was true, you’d be admitting to stuns being overpowered due to the fact you’re practically dead if hit by one, correct?
and by extension you’d be advocating for your class (paladin) getting a buff at the cost of everyone who plays orc.

very mature.

that’s rich coming from a (little) guy that plays a class who functions in this exact way, but instead of random stun resists, has on-demand abilities like cloak of shadows, vanish, evasion etc. which can be used to avoid losing a fight on demand which is objectively better than avoiding losing at random.

big skill i see, little guy.

Stuns are not over powered players are. I told him to ignore you not me. You have way to much time on your hands on a forum you dont play the game off. And you dont plan on returning :joy::joy::joy:

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