Orc racial has to go

bla bla bla i have no clue what i’m saying bla bla bla.

the only servers that do not have faction locks active are dead servers.

also, your server was not alliance dominated because it “had a lot of bots” what an absolute lie.
your server was alliance dominated because paladin was better than shaman on launch, and now that the tables have turned in the horde’s favor with shaman getting buffed, you sit here crying about it like the peak paladin you are.

lmao, false and wrong.
your faction ganks just as much as mine. you’re not morally superior because of the faction you play and if you really have convinced yourself otherwise you are delusional.

so you can’t even practice what you preach then.
what an awful paladin you are bro.

maybe reroll because your personality doesn’t suit the class.

i suggest something like rogue, a class that suits your personality a lot better, like our little gnome friend over there.

nowhere did i say i don’t plan on returning to the game once there’s a reason to play it again, and anyhow, what i plan to do with my time is no business of yours btw.
mind your own business. joyemoji, joyemoji, joyemoji.

lol not it was not because paladins are better than shamans from the start, its been shown and proven time and time again on here livingflame server having bot issues on just alliance, scroll down, over 300 hunters in BRD, over 1000 mages in stockades, over 1000 rogues in the ground no clipping stuff. all alliance non horde, yes there is some horde but but does not outweigh alliance at all. there is more alliance bots online farming now than real people

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then how do you explain the lack of shamans in phase 1?
go look up the logs and compare them to today, or rather about a month ago when there was still people playing this content drought garbage simulator.

the bots i see everywhere are troll hunters with boar pets.
i see very few alliance bots.
this is open world though, but to say the bot problem is an alliance-only-problem is just naive.

they invade both factions.

by the way, i would like you to show me the data for this claim.
numbers and stats, preferably.
make sure to prove your emphasis on the just alliance part as well, because that’s just false and everyone who reads what you just wrote there probably audibly uttered the word “BS” when they were done.

what an absolutely astoundingly stupid claim.
an actual sweet summer child is less naive than you.

They should buff the orc racial to 50% chance to resist stuns. Nerfing it is madness. If they nerf it how will the elemental shamans 2 shot groups of people with overloaded chain lightings?

If you dont like it, then this game is not for you. Goodbye.

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loser spotted, why is it obvious that this comes from a troll hunter? most Bots are Troll hunters also :S

Why not just make all classes the same as well then? Because when pallys bubble and become immune to everything but still able to burst down their target with a gazillion instant abilities I get sad in my pants.

Classes are classes, racials are racials, now you are going overboard

I assume you recently lost to an orc, due to skill issues :smiley:

You can even be perplexity, if i resist 2 stuns its almost over for the rogue, “skill issue” usually comes from clueless people. I play orc myself and its stupidly overpowered

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You are a jealous alliance player who wants the Orc Racial but doesn’t want to play horde.

how stupid can you be to think alliance players don’t want to play horde?
it’s not about preferences, Hardiness is the most unique ability in the game, if only one side got it, the other side is really disadvantaged…

Orc racial don’t have to be deleted, but Night elves should get it too

why do you think Horde got to wait longtime to enter BGs? because everybody roll on the Hardiness’s side

give Hardiness to both faction = it’s better for everybody


:copyright: :registered: :tm:

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Agree, would make the game alot more fun and people wont stress anymore about factions

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“whaaah stop harassing me”

btw you don’t get our racials.
roll horde if you want hardiness you filthy dwarf.

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We will see in actual Classic Plus, until then enjoy your que times :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

i’ll enjoy my 25% stun resistance too.

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Yeah i dunno… im enjoying my 15min queues, im able to hs back to a inn close to my herb spot and farm gold.

I know all my bgs are win so for me that is a win win situation.

Can you tell me how much honor a losing wsg game where you get zero hk’s is?

So 15 min queue with a win = 2k honor

Dont know, because when i play warsong its usually win for alliance, ab alliance always loose, but i dont care alot , i just do wpvp, so good herbing potatomil*** ah sorry Killcream!

Thanks! Apreciate it