I knew you are a bozo. Now theres a reason to flag you so mods can mute you.
you just confirm it. the law protect the rainbows, but nothing protect us from the rainbows
Confirm what? Im straight af you are just a weirdo.
just mass report me with you rainbowgang
if you were straight you should not talking like you talk
you are confusing “alpha male” and “dominant male”
dominant male want your a**, he is rainbow
It’s always a treat to see people like Lamborgimli that simply go ahead and self-destruct in the dumbest manner possible.
I hate this Race ability stuff anyways, Just unnecessary chore. Was a mistake in the First place, they should remove this completly, would make such a better PvP experience
Ok, but then I get stoneform, gnome intellect and shadowmeld.
Oh, just give my druid wotlk shadowmelt…
you got 25% stun resist, fury, axe skill, pet damages
dwarf have only stoneform…
start an orc, go play retail then. there your cries for racial equality are heard and everyone is one bland race, with different aesthetics.
just for info:
Orcs (warrior, chaman, hunter, warlock, rogue) = ~50% of a BG team
have 25% stun resist on:
- Warrior’s charges, prot stuns
- Spriest’s stun
- Firemage’s stun
- Paladin’s stun
- Feral’s stuns
- Rogue’s stuns
- Hunter’s stuns (pet’s stun too)
this is really too broken
the other ~50% of the horde BG team are forsakens with personal anti-fears
the game can’t stay in this state… or it’s dead in the egg
SoD is Classic+ so the balance should be done
No, you should just go play retail.
The game stayed that way 20 years and somehow it did not die, must be a miracle.
Or you’re just full of it.
They will never fix this but it is also true nonetheless.
Horde is always the favorite child of Blizzord and they know they need OP racials to keep the horde faction overpopulated.
20years of a version*, not 20 years of official servers… (we enter in the 5th year of official servers, and Era was empty after TBC release for 2-3years till Wotlk)
it died,
by one sided servers,
PvE servers are more alliance oriented because alliance know the PvP is dead in the egg because of racial skills
back in the days people were mouseclickers and don’t knew the racial min-maxing, so it’s incomparable with today’s cyborg geeks sweaters
some balance is needed, they can do it, if only alliance could cry with the same impact than horde asking for Horde vs Horde BGs in TBC classic
but it looks like crying is only a little baby horde thing
"please take these Horde vs Horde BGs and stop crying little baby horde "
they did it for horde…
Meanwhile in Retail - Orcs still have stun resistance.
So yes 20 years and counting in all WoW versions.
Somehow WoW is not dead. Weird.
I said it once and I’ll say it again, Orc stun resistance isn’t going anywhere. You just got to handle this tragedy somehow.
i know nothing about retail (stopped in Cata)
Orc’s stun resist is not the same since WOTLK, and other people got stun resist by Meta-gems
i never said to delete it, i say give a minimum 10-15+ % stun resist to drunken dwarves, it’s full RP compatible
Dwarves have nothing, only stoneform for 8sec every 3min
with this update we could maybe say goodbye to the onesided servers
how many years you want to play this unbalanced game? balance is needed or people gonna pay 13e/month only to farm rep/honor per hour… it’s not a game that you defend
And yet, it’s still the most successful MMO for 20 years and counting.
Guess somehow Orc Stun Resistance and bad balance did not kill it.
It’s so cute, all these dooming against something that is proven by time to work. I find the whining about balance especially funny in a Classic format with crazy runes all over the place.
not since Cata (many people quitted as me)
people returned for the nostalgia . but people are not mouseclickers anymore so the version need changes
nothing else
the game design have to change, SoD is here for change
Well they nerfed it in TBC. I see no harm in TBC version for SoD. Still a powerful racial.
Orc stun resistance is imo by far the most retarded mechanic in classic. Especially considering it is a passive effect. 1 out of 4 resisting stuns and all you have to do is select the shrek in character creation screen.