Order of the cloud serpent

So I have two questions here actually

  1. My pandaren mage is part of the Order of the cloud serpent, meaning she is neutral. In this case, can she visit horde or alliance related events simply to observe the party/events?

  2. What is the history behind Pandaren Mages anyway?

Thanks in advance!

The only Pandaren factions who directly joined the factions were Tushui and Huojin. The Pandaren from the continent stayed neutral the whole time. So I doubt wou will have problems.

As for your other question I would assume the Pandaren learned those ways from the Mogu since they had a natural gift to practise it.


It should be noted that Pandaren also held close ties with the Highborne during Azshara’s Empire, with it being noted that some of the Pandaren Magi Elders bore witness to the original Well of Eternity. It can also be assumed that the Elves traded knowledge with the Pandaren.
Now with the Highborne delving more and more into greed and madness, this was when the Pandaren distanced themselves from Night Elf land.


i also wanted to add that i came upon some pandaren mages NPC’S in the Jade temple

The window for that ought to have been extremely short, because their rebellion against the Mogu happened in the lifetime of the same emperor who misted Pandaria to protect it from the sundering.

Their isn’t any defined timeline on those events.

What we know is that the Pandaren distanced themselves from Azshara’s Empire, when greed and over-zealous obsession with the arcane was manifesting.

Now this isn’t canon, but I personally believe that the Pandaren distanced themselves not long after Azshara’s ascension to the throne. She was the one who ordered for the Well to be plumbed and for corruption to spread (not fel-like corruption, but obsession with the arcane, the more arrogant behaviour coming from the Highborne - especially since it’s confirmed that some saw the original Well. This concludes that Pandaren would have been in Zin-Azshari / Elun’dris and this was the place where the War of the Ancients broke out and indeed, where the most corrupted, arrogant and evil Highborne lived.)

What I mean is that the emperor figured out martial arts, taught it to other pandaren, beat the mogul empire and protected pandaria from the sundering, in a single pandaren lifetime. By which point the Highborn would be very deep into the coolaid.

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