Organizing online protest to get the class fixed or reworked


In the meantime we have new statistic from Mythics last week - warlocks non-existant at higher lvl mythics, which affects all of our capability to find a group.


This is incredible. Really.

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That’s just stupid, yesterday arena couldn’t kill the enhancer cause he healed himself while doing more dmg than me.


They wont listen unless everyone start deleting their account instead of unsubbing, people been unsubbing for years they haven’t listened once, they do not care, why else would they buff destro but not demo that essentially at same spot or worse then some of the specs that just got buffed, like do they expect us to be blind ?

The first buff for demo should be instant summons for all demons.

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we need to get attention for this post
this is includes if anyone can get a streamer link asmon gold behind this or even just talk about it would be great

when we get more numbers on the topic we can put up the links of twitter and online platforms that we can link things to it and even the message
we want positive way to approach this no toxicity


I don’t really watch any streamer but perhaps on Kalamazi discord we could get some attention and help?


BuaLock reach this YouTuber for example.He is small but we Can spam him to atleast make video about problems and flaws,Also reach Chad maybe.

I agree Kalamzi is the man for the Job!

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i agree on kalamzi but i think he think warlock class is okay right now :x
i hope he can get behind this
and i think we should try Stoopzz_TV too he is youtuber and do both content for pvp and pve



And my take on destro:

My destruction experience starts back at MoP which is the expansion i have played the most, with considerable amount played in legion and now in SL.
Ever since MoP, destruction felt to me like an empty shell of its former self.

I will now list the things that i feel made destro so fun back in the day, with first on the list being the most important and last being the least important:

  1. Grimoire of sacrifice:
  • Nowdays there is many demon pet builds that I feel
    belong to the Demonology specialization.
    -Having more dmg on spells rather than having pet deal
    dmg for me felt so good. I imagine destruction warlock as master
    of destruction that is DESTROYING by himself rather than relying
    on his pet to do it.
    -Pets on their own can be a nuisance, although needed for leveling and solo
    -Using it together with soul link talent was super nice bonus HP bonus
  1. Chaos bolt:
  • Chaos bolt is THE spell that defines destro. In Mop SoO it was normal to hit 2-
    3 million crits (not to mention ppl actually hitting 4-6m), while DPS in opening
    30 seconds was around 400k. Now with dps in 30 seconds of pull being
    around 10k cb is hitting what? 10k?
    Doesnt feel powerful at all.
    I know resource generation was
    different with a lot of other things, but hitting those few well timed atomic
    explosions felt so satisfying, in contrast with modern - “use cb when you are
    near 5 ember shards or to maintain 10% dps buff on target”.
    Imagine hitting 50 - 60 k cb in Nathria

  1. Shadowburn:
  • Baseline spell that used to separate good destro from great destro.If you
    could utilize its potential in executing enemies and generating ember shards,
    you had so much more power.
  1. AoE:
  • There was no such disparity in ST and AoE builds. FnB was better and
    baseline. Now you have to chose between Inferno and Cataclysm with
    FnB being mostly useless.

There were few interesting new abilities after MoP which are Channel Demonfire,
Cataclysm,Dimensional Rift.

As you can tell I didn’t mention PvP at all, and that is because PvE was always my
primary thing, although I have always played PvP too.

To sum my wishes up: remake destro not to be budget demonology and make cb great again! :smiley:

Have a great day everyone.


since i stopped playing locks went to paladin i wanna tell you the judment in protection crit more than chaos bolt some times =/ which feels baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad

I understand a lot of raiders think demo is clunky to play. But I like this ‘new’ demo. To be fair I also liked the meta demo spec but still.

Indeed it’s a looong ramp up, but those times you pull it off it’s so incredible satisfying to watch your numbers soar.

But to each his own

PS: do they ever update the avatars :slight_smile:

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Summoner demo could be fun, if they would change it to the promised Master summoner


I also love this current version of Demo, it’s just trash because everything is a cast. Make tyrant and HOG instant and this spec would be soooooo smooth!


there is no class depends on hardcasts like warlock at this moment and it isn’t even rewarding even healers doesn’t have these much hard casts

Adding in that indeed, this class is garbage in pvp.

Coming from a player that plays other alts and gets a feel of their strength and weakness, I can tell you this:

I prioritize on killing Warlocks, I know one Death Grip and it’s over for them.

In fact, if I look for my free kill from my mage, paladin, warrior, I know warlock doesn’t stand a chance at close proximity.

It’s actually really pathetic how you all are, NOT ONLY are you squishy cloth, but you can’t get away, can’t root, and do long casts even to cc something.

Warlock is worthless against a human player


I Just got kicked from pvp guild XD because i said destruction locks is crap at pvp and useless and do useless damage ( because they think that means im noob )

can relate to this. Extremely casual player here so take my experience with a grain of salt however if you want to stand a chance you do use a lot of your cd’s. After that it’s over and done with.

A little more instant casts wouldnt make us to strong in my opinion but gives us not only a fighting chance but also a big big quality of life feature.

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Easy fix would be make us Demonic tyrant so poor Dh will not be cut from thier metamorphosis . So ramp up use tyrant and Hand of guldan will be instant on 4 sec CD for example,and demon bolt will be instant to on 3 sec cd and for addition every demon bolt increase dmg of your pets by 8% ( example) duration of tyrant will be 3-4 sec per shard also all damage done increase by 3% per active demon before transformation on 2 min cd. Transform will be instant cast.Boom problem solved still master summoner and good fun CD not clunky one like tyrant now.

EDIT: Most likely not easy fix.