Oribos is the worst Capital City in game, change my mind

I would call Oribos more a citadel rather than a city. Or if we look at it from the perspective of what we know about the stuff built on Azeroth by the Titans it’s an engine…

There should be more brokers that are connected with azeroth or something ? Or more azerothian people wants to help shadowlands should sit there. Literally a floor and a flight master in a FF14 styled hub. Cmon

That’s the problem. Large cities are terrible. If I have to cross the entire city to get from one NPC to another, I’ll hate it. Oribos has the various NPCs neatly quartered. I need professions? I go there. I need bank? I go there. I need PvP? I go there. Done. Every other city has them scattered.

With HandyNotes, I never get lost in Oribos anymore, so it looking bland is a non-issue in that regard. If I want to look at something nice, I’ll hearth back to my covenant sanctum.

This. With Egyptian/Persian merchants selling stuff on the side

The Oribos Council Estate is a brutalist eyesore foisted upon the skyline of Shadowlands, apparently the architecture doesn’t even live there himself but owns a detached in the countryside with 5 acre garden, typical.

It fits the fantasy of an afterlife airport/bus station/whatever, it’s pretty neat with the wormholes and all. I won’t visit it after the xpac is over, tbh SL zones will most likely be one of the few I won’t have the urge to visit if not necessary, but I have no issue with it now.

Another thing that doesn’t really make sense. Yes, it’s a transit city, but what are a bunch of death universe Goblins doing there. They only care about profit, yet they won’t find any there in normal circumstances. I doubt recently deceased souls have a lot of gold, and they won’t find any anima there either, since the Arbiter sends souls, and all of their anima to their appropriate destination, or now to the Maw.

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The worst expansion has the worst capital. Quite normal.


Im not a fan of oribos either.
It just feels very lifeless (pun intended)
Plus the architecture is just bland.
I miss the old capital hubs :frowning:


Ever been to Eastern Europe ? Oribos looks like a Soviet bus station. :smiley: lack of decor and plenty of concrete. But at least it can withstand a missile.


Oribos is small and convenient. Dazar’alor was beautiful but it actually sucked to get things done. I’m being cynical here, but I feel like hubs should be convenient rather than beautiful.

Not a huge fan anymore either, aesthetically it’s probably the worst city plus I’m still getting annoyed by the damn FP always being on the opposite side of where I use the transporter.

Still, I do prefer it over Dazar’alor since it doesn’t require a flight path to get to the other end of it.

Logging in and seeing this is pretty funny sometimes though :joy:


I’ve visited pretty much every Eastern European country. Haven’t been to lots of bus stations, but train stations are nothing like that. Train stations in Budapest (Hungary), Prague (Czech Republic) and Saint Petersburg (Russia) are pretty much touristic attractions by themselves. (Google if you haven’t been there)

Yes, I get Dazar’alor was hard to navigate initially, but when you unlock flying, the problem is solved.

In short, it’s a hamster wheel like the rest of the expansion.


They’re only there because we maw walking mortals are there, and they know that unlike dead creatures, we need stuff like resources and sustainance. They’re also well aware we’ll be picking up anima on our travels so that is where they get the anima from.

Also Oribos wasn’t only for the recently dead, it acts as a crossroads for those already dead too. The realms used to be more open to eachother before the drought, and there are enough NPC’s in game whom hop realms for us to know this kind of thing goes on, so Brokers trying to catch people to make deals for anima works in that respect too.

Whoever they are, they’re clearly in possession of powerful interplanary tech (they bring in gladiators for Maldraxxus from all manner of realms) so it seems plausible it wouldn’t take them 5 minutes to set up in Oribos upon hearing mortals are there.

There seems to be some wierd kind of tolerance of them by the attendants, almost like the brokers have something on them or some kind of immunity. Clearly that or they’re not to be trifled with for reasons we don’t know.

It is not a city. It is only a terminal …


Oribos is horrible. The only thing I can say in its defence is that I can run in circles. Also the lack of CRZ or Warmode or other phasing tech makes it a fun place to hang out and gives me a little bit of that old-school MMO life I miss everywhere else.

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Oh I quite liked original Dalaran

Another thing. Flying in Oribos will likely never be an option. Wouldn’t really make sense, and obviously isn’t designed for that.

I like the place myself. But I really like compact hubs, like Dalaran.

Oribos has everything I need.