Original WoW MMO Gaming Mouse

Why hello there

I’m not a frequent forum guest anymore, and it’s literally throwing this out there in the dark with a <1% chance of success, but you always got to try, right?

Ever since the original Steelseries WoW MMO Gaming Mouse came out in 2009 I got one, loved it, had it for years, and a few years ago bought another one refurbished as the first one finally gave up.

The time has come and my little buddy is giving up, I’ve taken it to a great friend that actually managed to repair it for me, but I notice some buttons are just giving up by now.

I don’t even know if it’s against forum policies, but I’m greatly interested in taking over a working mouse from somebody else that is no longer interested in it. Were it to be new, used, or refurbished, it doesn’t matter a whole lot, all that matters is that all the buttons work.

I’d hate to change away from this thing, it’s accompanied me through highs and lows and I rely greatly on it’s key layout.

If there’s somebody out there with a working gem of this, I’ll happily discuss furthermore over discord if you’d part ways with it.

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