I cannot believe that warlocks have kept a monopoly on summons for 20 years. Maybe it is just me as a shaman main being salty that we lost Bloodlust/Heorism monopoly, but I think it is ridiculous that it is still only Warlocks that can summon.
A way to implement summoning for other classes can be for Warriors to put down a «Battle banner» ™ to summon allies with a «Call to battle». Maybe Hunters can get a Earth Elemental pet that can put down a old school Summoning Stone? Mages does not need more utility in raids (neither does warriors or hunters but we need more classes to be able to summon!) but they can get a table of summoning. Shamans can put down a totem of summoning, rogues a (shadow)cloud of summoning, for gods sake a priest can create a pillar of light to summon people!
There are plenty of easy ways to implement it, and it really should be treated like BL/Heroism was. It is a integral part of having a enjoyable (comparable/competitive/convenient) raid experience!
Paladin staying Alli exclusive and Shaman staying Horde exclusive could have been an interersting take both gameplay and flavor wise. But they trashed it quick.
As for summon monopoly, well…the only class I could name for being able to summon others is Mage. In retail it’s not a big deal anyway, you have a lot of ways to go around.
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I am of the opinion that “rare” non-combat utility between classes should be enforced. That being told, Bloodlust is a combat ability and that’s why it has had to be spread around.
So far we have Warlocks summoning and Mages doing portals. But today, Mages portal is almost obsolete due to the amount of teleportations everyone has available. It has gone almost the path of Conjure Refreshments since most classes/specs passively regenerate Health and Mana at a high enough rate to not make it a good utility.
Anyway, let’s throw some ideas on how we could have class utility implemented in a non-combat way that would make players “want” to have one of each class. Note that the utility is non-combat, but it can be gold or BoEs:
- Death Knight:
- Demon Hunter
- Druid
- Evoker:
- Hunter: Spot hidden treasure utility
- Mage: Portal utility
- Monk: Group hp/mana restoration for free utility (yes, steal it from mages)
- Paladin: Summon vendor to sell stuff (like the Guild Herald and Argent Squire but without cooldown)
- Priest:
- Rogue: Open locked chest utility
- Shaman:
- Warlock: Summon utility
- Warrior: Reduced equipment durability loss utility
…this is harder than I thought.
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you want your fps to drop to oblivion? I think they should cut summoners down or update the game engine to work properly with summoned minions.
People like you made Blizzard water down the uniqueness of classes over the years.
I don’t like you.
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Players. Summon other players.
Priests with Kyrian’s portals