Our Demons

I’ve posted about changes, wish list, caster based interrupt in the form of ‘Call Felhunter’ and I’ve mentioned our demons.

Blizzard is missing a trick here with our core demons. Allow us to customize our demons. Like we do with our characters. We had the different skins, but it would make our demons more unique and reflective of the player base. Our Felguard is generic just a different colour, we have no new skins for our Incubus, so on and so far. Let us change armour, skin colour, horns, glow effects…the possibilities are endless.

Additionally, not only would a caster based interrupt would allow us to use other demons, but it will give us more utility with dispels and sooths.

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Some warlocs might potentially never leave the barbershop ever again, but yeah, why not, more customization is good… for ex I would like to see fel /wrathguards be able to dual wield 1h weapons instead of only 2h, not so much for me but more for those that want something that looks more slicey-slicey than smashy smashy :beers:

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Exactly. Would you like to personalise your demons (in game, not your own personal ones) and be distinct?

I would like my Tyrant to look like one of the High Command bosses in the Antorus raid. They have so many assets. I know there are the fundamentals of the class tree and mobility that needs adjusting, but this can be done too.

I’d like to be able to choose my Fel/Wrathguard’s weapon (From my transmog collection), not just have a glyph pick whatever’s in my bag (Took me a while to figure out why my Wrathguard was wielding a shovel, a few weeks ago), but pick a weapon, set it, and done.

Same!!! I thought ‘Why is my felguard holding an enchanting rod?’

I would like to personalise our demons. I want my felguard to be different from Grimoire: Felguard.

I couldn’t resist laughing at this, because I´ve totally had that happen myself… you look over expecting Armageddon. or Gur’Thalak, or some other 2 handed WMD,… and the dumbarse looks like he was building sand castles with the imps :rofl:


You used to be able to pick exact weapon you want but for some stupid reason Blizzard changed the glyph to be more random. It used to only pick a random weapon from your backpack so if you had it full and only put one weapon there it would always use that one weapon.

At some point they changed it to use weapons from all of your bags for some reason.

That would still require bag management, making sure the right weapon is in the right bag and stuff, what i’d like is a barbershop-option (Where we set the Fel/Wrathguard’s appearance, just pick a weapon from the transmog collection and done.


Agreed! Make our demons great!

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Also, make them look bigger, at least to the warlock if visual clutter for others is an issue, having Fel/Wrathguard be as tall as my Warlock (Draenei with the Man’ari skin texture for that fel touch) is already fairly underwhelming, but the Shivarra (Which is designed to be quite a lot taller) scaled down to that length looks ridiculous!

And high res models.

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Totally would be awesome. I remember in Legion we got to have infernal as tanking pet and honestly looks so much cooler than voidlord. Give us more options as well as more customization-pls

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100%. People want more options and customisations. Blizzard are seriously missing an opportunity with our core demons.

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