Our Server is Dying a Slow Death.
Nethergarde Keep - Wrath Classic Server.
Im not sure if anyone has noticed but players on the realm ‘Giantstalker’ can transfer to Nethergarde Keep for free… Why? Because our realm is sooooo quiet. Getting a group/raid is near impossible outside of guild runs (even those are few and far between). I really don’t understand why Blizzard are so reluctant to merge servers, the positives completely eclipse the negatives. Blizzard claim they refrain from doing a merge due to “Unique Character Names being put in Jeopardy” … I think the general consensus around that is… It’s a load of crap. Its pretty clear that the true nature of this choice is to push as many people as possible to pay for a transfer given the current track record of the company’s choices… Would I trade my name for a flourishing, fun, busy server? All day long. Please for goodness sake stop acting like you simply “can’t” do things for the good of your Paying community & just start helping us… I don’t know whats going on at Blizzard but across all their games they are actively wanting people to just pay or stop playing. Thoughts? Ser