This is completly out of control cloth,leather,mail all of them can tank more dmg and heal more than plate class it doenst make any sense. They just need talent for higher threat and sp and warlock can tank raid boss, and for pvp its completly broken 1milion shields on low cd everywhere, free cards to escape death all the time they just laugh on mortal strike on them. Maybe its time for us dks to start wearing cloth gear maybe we will get some new powers.
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Wow you’ve lost one game out of 114 solo shuffle? Biggest dk
page is broken
Tanks shouldn’t be in Pvp anyway.
BDK in PvE still top 2 tank.
Nothing too see here folks, just salty tears off a wanabe PvPer
RON STOPPPPP, hurrrhurrrrrr
Armory is bugged just saying, ingame it says rounds played 905 won 467.
On my armory it says like i won 90% of all games.
Fair! Mega strange
Acutally it says i got 97% win rate on armory, totally bugged.
Mine will be a big fat 0! yet to PvP in DF ha!
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U shoud try it out, it’s cool.
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I will eventually, attempting professions and running m+ at the moment. Don’t particularly enjoy frostdk so would have to be an UHpumper!
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