Immersion is a newly formed guild on Outland! We are looking to put together a strong mythic squad for the beginning of SL. We are currently recruiting all classes and specs with a particular emphasis on ranged DPS.
Although we are a new guild, the plan is to be a competitive guild in SL raiding two days a week (expecting raid days to be set as Thursday/Sunday 20:00-23:00ST) with a potential to add Tuesday, which will frequently be used at the start of a tier or if we are close to a boss kill.
We are expecting to be a CE guild in the first tier of SL and expect applicants to be commited to this goal. That being said, we are also recruiting for our social side of the guild, with the plan to run a social raiding schedule with the potential for people who have less experience in raiding making their way into the main team through this route. RBGs, Arena and mythic+ runs are already held daily.
What you can expect from us.
A stable guild with a strong core who are all like minded when it comes to progression: we want to progress at a fast pace, but not at the expense of a fun experience for everyone involved. We want to create a ‘just culture’ that is to say an atmosphere in which mistakes are willingly brought forward and learnt from rather than trying to be hidden for fear of what the raid leader might say.
Outside of raiding, a social guild with achievment and mount runs, mythic keys and people hanging out on discord.
What we expect from you.
We expect a high level of commitment from you. This does not mean you have to maintain a 99% raid attendance or you’ll be benched, real life happens, but we expect our mythic team members to be on top of new developments for their class, min maxing everything reasonably within their power and spending time researching and coming up with ideas to use during progression.
We also expect you to be a decent human being and it goes without saying that toxicity in any form is just not tolerated.
We are primarily looking for more ranged dps at present, however all are more than welcome.
Squad is filling up nicely, still recruiting healers and range dps mainly, but feel free to have a chat no matter your class!
We are still mainly looking for healers and ranged dps, still a few spots left. All classes are still more than welcome though.
Our ranged dps spots are filling up now, however we still have a couple of spots open, we are also still looking for healers to fill out the team, thanks.
Looking for RANGED DPS mainly, but all exceptional players will be considered!
We’re pretty much covered across the board now with the exception of another healer. Ideally looking for a Disc Priest or a Holy Paladin to complete our roster.
Drop us a line if you’re interested, thanks!
We are looking for an experienced disc priest to round out the roster. Get in touch!
We are still looking for a disc priest, we also have a couple of dps spots open as well.
We are recruiting dps (mage/hunter and melee primarily) but anyone is more than welcome to get in touch if you think the guild is a good fit for you.
We are recruiting all dps for our roster currently, feel free to get in touch!
What type of dps class are the guild looking for feel free too add me on nor6695#2971 on battle net 
We are making good progress through Castle Nathria (7/10HC with a disrupted raid schedule due to Christmas) and are looking for specifically UDK, WL and Hunters, but all classes are more than welcome to apply! Please get in touch.
Now sitting at 9/10HC. Progressing at an excellent pace at the moment. Looking to begin Mythic content as soon as possible. Just waiting on a few exceptional DPS to bolster our numbers before making a start!
If you’re at all interested, please get in touch with us!
We are now 1/10M and have entered the top 10 guilds on our server making steady progress up the ranks.
Still looking for WL DKs and hunters! Along with exceptional applications of any class!