Outland (PvP) Horde Reconnections

Sweet, I’ll try that :slight_smile:

Hey Niknaks and Eliane,

I played during start of WotLK with you in Safe, Yunnie Resto Druid, later renamed to Moonalisa.

Still playing with Wazzup (and Nosferatunl). What realm are you rolling? Me and Wazzup are going for Shazzrah.

Also Shazzrah good to see you :slight_smile:

Hey I’ll be rolling on Shazzrah. Same name and class as in vanilla. Hunters ftw :slight_smile:

I played UD Warlock, think my name was Wráith or Wraíth. I played in a very friendly Swedish guild called MOTVIND. If anyone of you are returning and want to hang out, me and some IRL friends are gonna play on Shazzrah.

Likely rolling on Shazzrah! Recognize a few names here.
I played in some various guilds such as Metamorphosis and later on Apathy in BC and forwards.

Hey all, my name used to be Ashrial, resto druid and I have been in quite a few guilds, Flawed, Ferocious, Aftermath, Safe and Ruin to name a few :slight_smile:

hi Indy, its Masafumi from Meta (Orc Warlock) :wink: nice to see you around

Hello Niknaks and Eliane. Played as VVazzup (holy paladin) or Puzzaw (feral/guardian) in that time. Wil play on Shazzrah with Moonalisa. Played in several guilds back in the days such as Instinct, Apathy and Safe.

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Played as an Orc Male rogue named Gorga in the guild UZZ which later became Source.
Also did tons of PVP with Aizens crew (orc hunter) but mostly with a Shaman named Linzo. I still think about the AB weekends clashing with the Union premade, they always came with a lot of high ranked players and put up a good fight :wink:

Very fun to see so many names that i recognize and many old top guilds.

I will play on Shazzrah in classic, hope to see u there!


Hey Wazzup

Joslyn here. Will be rolling horde with Ocean from Instinct.

Moroten#2439 is my battle.net ID.

Wazzup! Hey man good to see you, if you want a guild we have one all ready to go, with more than enough to raid - we’re also on shazzrah - add me on bnet for a chat


Same as above if you wanna join is

added you on bnet

Hi Gorga played Shaman Busmalis that was a good time in AB and Naxx

Wazzup and Yunni have joined us if tou want a home of Shazzrah?

Hey Masafumi :slight_smile:

I’m in. I’ll look you up as soon when the realm is online. :slight_smile:

Sent you a thing on the battletag.

Whats that Discord?