Played as Diskawa in the guild Mirage, first on Bladefist then transfered to Outland. Looking for some old guildies to reconnect with and maybe end up on same Realm /shrug
Any Apathy people around? Played Boman undead mage mostly in TBC and WotLK
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Zeruina from Apathy back in the TBC/Wotlk days. Recognize some other apathy names up there ^^
Not sure what im gonna do yet
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Played as Jules / Healzhor on Bladefist and Outland. Sup y’all, nice to see some familiar faces
Me, Bloodangel, Luccina, Predator and some others playing on Gehennas.
Found Ruzklag and a bunch from Infamous running around too.
I used to play as an orc warrior named caaltaxz, but i was a kid back then, sadly can’t remember much