Outland wpvp challenge 2018

It’ssssss tiiimmeeeeee!

We < Honor Capped > is looking for some pure, oldschool wpvp guilds/raids/teams on the Horde side that dares to face us.

Step 1.
Organize yourselves and show your interest here by submitting a post.

Step 2.
We will later select a time, oldschool spot like Barrens/Ashenvale and so on where the BATTLE will take place.

/Your beloved < Honor Capped >


I like this challenge. But the problem is that most guildirs give a no c*ap about the pvp, since pvp give bad and/or less rewards than the pve. Most people switched to their alts just to spam this cool thing called mythic+ and raid

Thats what we are trying to change :wink: #Oldschool

/cheer Paulie - Honor Capped.

super step!

Don’t be daft, horde can’t pvp they’ll have to outnumber you or they’ll run off

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Guess that’s why Horde win majority of bgs

My battleground statistics say differently

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