Outlaw Covenants

Hello there,

Newer Rogue player here, recently lvld up and looking into legendaries…

As far as I read the Wowhead/Icy-Veins guides said that Kyrian is the best covenant in regards off bieing both AOE and ST focussed. So while lvling I picked it up thinking I could both Raid and do M+ with it, without having too swap legendaries/covenants.

Now what do I see on WCL/wowmeta, It is all Venthyr…

What happened too Kyrian, did it get nerfed and are the guides outdated?

Guess I’ll be swapping to Venthyr now :rofl:

Kyrian is good too, venthyr is just more conventional. Kyrian is also very intense with the extra CDR from playing Shadowdust.

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